Congressman Steve Cohen

Representing the 9th District of Tennessee


Animal Welfare

How we treat animals is a direct reflection of our character, both as individuals and a nation. Throughout my legislative career, both as a state Senator and as a Member of Congress, I have sponsored and supported legislation to ensure the humane treatment of animals, as well as to protect our nation’s wildlife.


As a lifelong patron of the arts, I have made it a priority to assist the arts community both locally and nationally throughout my legislative career. The arts play a vital role in our community's economic growth and in providing cultural and educational benefits as well. I am pleased to have received an A+ on the Americans for the Arts Action Fund Congressional Scorecard.


One of the main responsibilities of Congress is to determine how taxpayer dollars are distributed throughout the nation. I work hard to make sure that programs that will help the Ninth District receive adequate funding.

Children and Families

It is important to provide all children and families access to a quality, affordable education and healthcare to help them secure a prosperous future.

Civil Rights

Throughout my career, I have fought for the civil rights of all Americans. We have made great progress as a nation, but we still have to work at making this the "more perfect union" our founders envisioned.


With the 164th Airlift Wing and the Naval Support Activity Mid-South in Millington both within Tennessee's Ninth Congressional District, defense and military policy play a significant role in our community. We need to support our troops with sufficient funding so that they have access to adequate equipment and receive necessary training.

Economy and Jobs

Generating jobs and strengthening the economy is one of Congressman Cohen’s top priorities in Congress.


Education is a priority for families in the Ninth District. I am honored to represent the district’s many schools, enrichment centers, and institutions of higher education. Education has been one of the focal points of my career, and I believe everyone should have access to a quality education.


Throughout my career in public service, I have been a strong proponent of efforts to lower energy costs, invest in renewable energy resources, promote energy independence and create a stronger more secure economy. Increasing the nation's overall energy efficiency requires a multifaceted approach.


In February 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international network of scientists, for the first time concluded that global warming is "unequivocal" and that human activity is the main driver of it, causing most of the rise in temperatures since 1950.

Financial Services and Banking

In light of the Great Recession of 2008, during which Memphis and the nation suffered an unprecedented foreclosure crisis in large part due to unfair, under-regulated and predatory mortgage lending practices, Congressman Cohen strongly supports efforts to prevent future foreclosure crises and dangerous housing market practices.

Foreign Affairs

U.S. Helsinki Commission

Government Reform

In Congress, I have taken numerous steps to begin to change the way we do business in Washington and to restore accountability and transparency to government. I have voted for and passed legislation that banned gifts from lobbyists, prohibited the use of corporate jets, and required full disclosure of earmarks.

Health Care

Regardless of personal background or political leanings, we all share a concern for access to health care for ourselves and our families. Congressman Cohen is committed to making quality and comprehensive health care more affordable and more accessible.

Homeland Security

It is important that we sufficiently protect our citizens within our borders and keep out those that would do us harm. Homeland Security is not just protecting our borders and screening the cargo that comes through our ports. It also includes providing adequate training and equipment for our first responders – police, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. These courageous people work on the front lines, often entering into dangerous and uncertain situations.


In 2015, the City of Memphis was selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as one of nine finalists for this grant after a multi-year effort by myself, Mayor Wharton and others in the city, to encourage the Obama administration to designate Memphis as a Choice Neighborhood.


I have the great honor of serving on the House Judiciary Committee.  The Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of issues including crime, civil rights and civil liberties, immigration, bankruptcy, antitrust, intellectual property, and all constitutional amendments.


As a fourth-generation Memphian, I have dedicated my life to public service in Memphis and Shelby County. My work has defined my life and affected the lives of people in Memphis, across Tennessee and now across America throughout my career in national, state and local politics.


I am pleased to be representing the people of Millington. I’ve worked to address post office issues in Millington and am particularly pleased to represent the Millington Naval Base. 

Science and Technology

As a member of Congress, I have supported federal funding for programs like the National Science Foundation, which has lead to several innovations in engineering and technology. I will continue to support legislation that will increase funding for technological and scientific research, especially in the Memphis medical community.


Congressman Cohen has worked to strengthen Medicare and Social Security and has consistently voted against measures that would be detrimental to their security and solvency. Hard working Americans pay into Social Security and Medicare throughout most of their lives and he believes that Congress has a duty to ensure their retirement security. 

Shelby County

As a fourth-generation Memphian, I have dedicated my life to public service in Memphis and Shelby County. My work has defined my life and affected the lives of people in Memphis, across Tennessee and now across America throughout my career in national, state and local politics.

Small Businesses

Small businesses are the heart of the American economy. Our country’s small businesses employ half of the nation’s private sector workforce and create a large portion of America’s new jobs. It is critical that small businesses play a significant role in our efforts to restore America’s economic strength and the growth of Memphis.


As a fourth-generation Memphian, I have dedicated my life to public service in Memphis and Shelby County. My work has defined my life and affected the lives of people in Memphis, across Tennessee and now across America throughout my career in national, state and local politics.


I am proud to have the honor of representing Memphis, the transportation capitol of the United States and the world, on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. When it comes to transportation assets, no place in the world can rival Memphis.

Veterans' Affairs

The bravery and devotion veterans have shown throughout our history have helped build this great country, and each of us owes them—and their families—a debt of gratitude.

Congressman Cohen believes the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that veterans receive all of the benefits they have earned.

Women's Issues

There are some in Congress who want to repeal the last 50 years’ worth of advances in reproductive rights for women, whether it’s through legislation or by cutting funding for vital women’s health services such as Planned Parenthood. I will continue to stand with women and make sure that their right to reproductive choice is protected.