Letter against Prohibition

Letter against Prohibition/tiles/non-collection/c/c_034imgtile1.xml
Image courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration


Otto E. Schulz of Milwaukee wrote to William J. Cary, a Representative from Wisconsin, to express opposition to a Prohibition amendment to the Constitution. Evident from the letterhead, Schulz was with the Ladish-Stoppenbach Company, a manufacturer of malt, a key ingredient in making beer. The letter also followed up on a telegram that Mr. Schulz sent to Congressman Cary. Part of Schulz’s comments include: “Prohibition destroys property and offers nothing in its place or compensation for a legally constructed business.” A handwritten note is included on the side of this letter, where Mr. Schulz inquired about the status of Congressman Cary’s health and urged a speedy recovery and “return to the Halls of Congress, get rid of that ‘Pest’ the Prohibitionist, so that your time can be better and unhindered devoted to the best interests of the United States.” Congressman Cary was so against Prohibition that he introduced a bill in the 64th Congress proposing the move of the capital from the District of Columbia, which at the time was considering Prohibition, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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