House Panel Approves DISCLOSE Act, Bennet Urges Senate to Follow Suit

DISCLOSE Act Would Limit Fallout from Citizens United Ruling which Unleashed Unlimited Spending by Special Interests on Our Elections

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement regarding the House Administration Committee’s passage of the DISCLOSE Act, a bill he has cosponsored in the Senate that would limit the fallout from the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Citizens United v. FEC:

“It’s time to get the special interest money out into the open so voters know exactly who's behind political attacks,” said Bennet.  “The House is right to move forward with approval of the DISCLOSE Act, and the Senate should follow suit.  We simply can't stand aside as special interest money is allowed to flood our airwaves and stack the deck further against the American people.”

Bennet’s push for legislation to limit the special interest election spending is part of his Plan for Washington Reform.

For more information on the DISCLOSE Act, please click here.