Bennet Joins Honorary Board of Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino

Co-sponsors Bill to Create Plan for Museum in Washington Highlighting Latino Contributions to the American Way of Life

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet was named an honorary member of the board of the Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino, an organization overseeing the planning and creation of a museum in our nation’s capital devoted to highlighting the contributions of Latinos to the American way of life. Bennet is als...

Bennet es Miembro Honorario de Junta Directiva de Amigos del Museo Nacional del Latino Estadounidense

Co-Patrocina Un Proyecto De Ley Para Crear Un Plan Para el Museo En Washington Destacando Las Contribuciones de Latinos en Los Estados Unidos

El Senador Michael Bennet de Colorado fue nombrado miembro honorario de la junta directiva de los Amigos del Museo Nacional del Latino Americano, la organización supervisando la planificación y creación de un museo en la capital de nuestro país dedicada a destacar las contribuciones de los Latinos a la v...
Evocan Cuestiones Sobre las Demoras y Falta de Uniformidad en Una Carta a la Secretaria de Labor Urgen a la Secretaria que Organice Juntas Regionales con Grupos Interesados de Agricultura para Mejorar el Programa U.S. Senador de Colorado Michael Bennet, junto con un grupo bipartidista de sus colegas en el Senado, expresó...

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Effort to Make Medical Devices Safer

The Ensuring Safe Medical Devices for Patients Act would implement long overdue reforms and help save lives

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, along with Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Herb Kohl (D-WI), introduced the bipartisan Ensuring Safe Medical Devices for Patients Act. The bill would give the Food and Drug Administration the tools it needs to improve oversight of medical devices. Defective ...

Bennet Statement on Failure of Amendment that Included Wind Tax Credit

Vows to Keep Fighting for Extension of Tax Credit

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today released the following statement after the Senate failed to pass a compromise amendment package that included an extension of the wind energy production tax credit (PTC), which is set to expire at the end of 2012 if Congress fails to act. The amendment included several additional energy ta...