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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

Sanford: FreedomWorks' Member of the Month for November

Nov 14, 2018
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – This November, Representative Mark Sanford has been named the  “Member of the Month” by FreedomWorks, an advocacy group supporting the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty, and the rule of law.

He released the following statement:

"I am deeply humbled to be named Freedomworks’ Member of the Month. The fight for limited government and the rule of law is a vital cause, and I am thankful to people at home for entrusting me with this responsibility. We are at a financial and cultural tipping point in our country that make the principles of limited government more important than ever.”

Federal Affairs Manager for FreedomWorks, Daniel Savickas, commented:

“Representative Sanford will, unfortunately, not be returning to Congress next year. We hope the example he set as both a legislator and a governor will inspire future lawmakers. No matter the issue of the day, Rep. Sanford sought at each end every turn to protect liberty and the Constitution before trying to make friends with other lawmakers in both parties who would criticize him for foiling their crony, big government plans. We thank him for his years of service, wish him the very best in whatever is next, and are proud to name him as November’s Member of the Month.”