Congressman Sanford Bishop

Representing the 2nd District of Georgia

Fiscal Responsibility

I am a member of the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition, which is “dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States.”  I support amending the United States Constitution to require a balanced budget and ensure that lawmakers act in a fiscally responsible manner.  I also have co-sponsored The No Budget, No Pay Act, which states that if Congress does not approve its budget and all appropriations conference reports by October 1st every year, then Members of Congress do not get paid.  I am a supporter of PAYGO, which requires that new spending or tax changes do not increase the federal deficit.   Finally, I support a long-term budget agreement that would reduce the deficit, reform the tax code and entitlements, and make the necessary investments to create jobs, improve infrastructure, educate our children, train our workers, and grow the economy into the future.  

More on Fiscal Responsibility

Sep 13, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) released the following statement regarding the passage of the conference report for the first FY19 “minibus” government funding package (H.R. 5895). A minibus bill is a package of appropriations measures and provides funding for a number of, but not all, government departments, programs, and agencies. The minibus conference report passed today includes the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (VA) FY19 Appropriations Acts.
Aug 29, 2018 Press Release
COLUMBUS, GA – Last night, Columbus residents tried their hand at balancing the federal budget during a deficit reduction workshop held by Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02), in cooperation with the nonpartisan Concord Coalition, at the National Infantry Museum. During the event, participants were placed in the role of legislators and educated on the difficult balancing of priorities that is necessary to reduce the deficit and balance the budget.
Jun 21, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02), Ranking Member of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, released the below statement on today’s passage of the House version of the 2018 Farm Bill by the full U.S. House of Representatives in a vote of 213 to 211.
Jun 14, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02), a senior member of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement regarding the full House Appropriations Committee’s passage yesterday of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Defense Appropriations Act and FY19 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act.
Feb 14, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) released the following statement regarding the White House’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019.

“On Monday, the President released his FY 2019 Budget Request. Similar to last year, it proposes increases to defense spending at the expense of vital domestic programs. Having a better equipped and more prepared military is integral to our national defense; however, we must prioritize both our non-defense and defense needs.
Jan 30, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) released the following statement concerning the announcement by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen that he will retire at the end of this session of Congress.
“Since 2003, I have had the pleasure and honor of serving with Rodney Frelinghuysen on the House Appropriations Committee, including a number of years on the Defense Subcommittee. He has been a steadfast, moderate voice in our chamber.  
Jan 22, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) released the following statement regarding his support of legislation reopening the government. The bill passed the full U.S. House of Representatives in a vote of 266 to 150.

Jan 18, 2018 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) released the following statement regarding his opposition to the continuing resolution considered on the House floor earlier tonight. The continuing resolution passed by a vote of 230 to 197.

“While I voted for the last short-term continuing resolution, which was supposed to be a temporary measure pending completion of a long term spending bill, I voted against this one. Repeated continuing resolutions will cause further deterioration of our military readiness and military resources.

Dec 19, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) issued the following statement concerning his vote in opposition to H.R. 1, the misguided tax legislation taken up by the House earlier today. This bill will saddle the nation with crippling debt and provide little to no tax relief for thousands of residents of Georgia’s Second Congressional District. The bill was approved by the full House of Representatives in a vote of 227 to 203. It is expected to be considered by the Senate as early as this evening.
Dec 8, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) released the following statement in response to the House passage of the two week Continuing Resolution (CR). The CR passed the House yesterday by a vote of 235 to 193.
“Our responsibility is to keep the government open and working for the people. We should have continued to work to meet the December 8th funding expiration date with a responsible appropriations measure, instead of kicking the can down the road for two more weeks. 
