International Agreements and Domestic Legislation Affecting Freedom of Expression

International Treaties, Covenants, and Agreements

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


PRC Domestic Laws and Regulations

Constitution of the People's Republic of China (1982.02.04)
Article 35: Citizens of the PRC have freedom of speech, publication, assembly, association, procession and demonstration.

中华人民共和国宪法 (1982.02.04)
第三十五条 中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由.

Regulations on the Administration of Publishing (2001.12.25)
Article 5: All levels of the People's Government shall ensure that citizens are able to legally exercise their right to freedom of publication. When citizens exercise their right to freedom of publication they shall abide by the Constitution and laws, shall not oppose the basic principles confirmed in the Constitution, and shall not harm the interests of the country, the society or the collective or the legal freedoms and rights of other citizens.
Article 24: Citizens may, in accordance with the prescriptions of these Regulations, in their publications freely express their views and opinions with respect to national affairs, economic and cultural affairs, and social affairs, and freely release the results of their undertakings in scientific research, literary art creations and other cultural activities. Legal publications shall receive the protection of the law, and no group or individual may illegally interfere, hinder or disrupt the publishing of publications.

出版管理条例 (2001.12.25)
第五条 公民依法行使出版自由的权利,各级人民政府应当予以保障。公民在行使出版自由的权利的时候,必须遵守宪法和法律,不得反对宪法确定的基本原则,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。
第二十四条 公民可以依照本条例规定,在出版物上自由表达自己对国家事务、经济和文化事业、社会事务的见解和意愿,自由发表自己从事科学研究、文学艺术创作和其他文化活动的成果。合法出版物受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得非法干扰、阻止、破坏出版物的出版。

PRC Domestic Laws and Regulations:
Prior Restraints

Measures on the Administration of Foreign Satellite Television Channel Reception (2004.08.01)

Article 3: With the approval of the State Administration for Radio, Film and Television, foreign satellite television channels may be received by such designated places as three star and higher hotels for foreign guests, places specifically for foreigners to work and apartments set up for foreigners and other specified places.
Article 4: Applicants to distribute foreign satellite television channels shall have the following qualifications:
(4) The channel which is being applied for and its directly related agencies shall be friendly toward China, and have long term friendly broadcasting exchanges and cooperation with China.
Article 6: Regarding a foreign satellite television agency, it shall in principle only receive approval for a single channel with a specific scope to be distributed, and in principle no foreign satellite television news channels shall be approved to be distributed domestically. . . .

境外卫星电视频道落地管理办法 (2004.08.01)
第三条 经广电总局批准,境外卫星电视频道可以在三星级以上涉外宾馆饭店、专供境外人士办公居住的涉外公寓等规定的范围及其他特定的范围落地。
第四条 申请落地的境外卫星电视频道,应具备下列条件 :
第六条 对于一个境外广播电视机构,原则上只批准其所属的一个卫星电视频道在规定的范围内落地;原则上不批准新闻类境外卫星电视频道在境内落地;不批准境内广播电视机构及其他有关部门、团体、企业、个人在境外开办、合办的卫星电视频道在境内落地。特殊情况,须报广电总局特殊批准。

Measures on the Administration of Broadcasting Audio/Visual Programs over the Internet or Other Information Networks (2003.01.07)
Article 5: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television shall implement permitting administration of the operators of Internet broadcasting of audio/visual programs. Anyone transmitting audio/visual programs to the public via the Internet must possess an "Internet Audio/Visual Program Transmission License."
Article 8: Anyone setting up an Internet broadcast business for news-related audio/visual programs must possess the following qualifications, in addition to possessing the basic qualifications set forth in Article 7 of these Measures:
(i) be approved by the State Council Information Office, and possess the qualifications to distribute news over the Internet;
(ii) be an entity which has already held an "Internet Audio/Visual Program Transmission License" as an Internet broadcasting business for engaging in entertainment or specialized programming for at least three years, or a news organ that has been established for at least three years.
Article 10: An enterprise setting up an information network audio/visual program broadcasting business must have a radio/television, news, publishing, cultural or propaganda unit at the local level or higher as its sponsoring agency.

互联网等信息网络传播视听节目管理办法 (2003.01.07)
第五条 国家广播电影电视总局对视听节目的网络传播业务实行许可管理。通过信息网络向公众传播视听节目必须持有《网上传播视听节目许可证》。
第八条 开办新闻类视听节目的网络传播业务,除具备本办法第七条规定的基本条件外,还应当同时具备以下条件:
第十条 企业开办信息网络传播视听节目业务,须由地级以上广电、新闻、出版、文化等宣传单位作为业务主管部门。

Regulations on the Administration of Internet Access Service Business Establishments [Internet Cafes] (2002.09.29)
Article 23: Units operating Internet Access Service Business Establishments shall examine, register, and keep a record of the identification card or other effective document of those customers who go online. The contents of the registration and records shall be maintained for at least 60 days, and shall be provided to the cultural and public security agencies for examination in accordance with the law. Registration contents and records shall not be altered or destroyed during this period.

第二十三 条互联网上网服务营业场所经营单位应当对上网消费者的身份证等有效证件进行核对、登记,并记录有关上网信息。登记内容和记录备份保存时间不得少于60日,并在文化行政部门、公安机关依法查询时予以提供。登记内容和记录备份在保存期内不得修改或者删除。

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Publishing (2002.08.01)
Article 6 : Engaging in Internet publishing activities may only be done through permission. No unit or individual may engage in Internet publishing activities without permission. No group or individual may interfere with, hinder or disrupt Internet publishing entities in engaging in Internet publishing activities in accordance with the law.

互联网出版管理暂行规定 (2002.08.01)
第六条 从事互联网出版活动,必须经过批准。未经批准,任何单位或个人不得开展互联网出版活动。

Notice Regarding the Further Strengthening the Administration of Selection of Articles for Newspapers and Periodicals (2002.02.25)
1. When selecting manuscripts periodicals must firmly grasp the path of the political concensus, strictly obey the press and publication administrative rules and the Party's propaganda discipline, and adhere to political awareness in manuscript contents. They shall not submit or transmit drafts that are contrary to the guidelines of the Party or the nation. Anyone publishing contents such as those that touch upon important national policies, people's religions, foreign relations, or the preservation of secrets, shall strictly adhere to relevant regulations, and must consult the opinions of relevant agencies in a timely manner.
6. No periodicals may willfully submit or transmit news or information taken from the Internet without having first verified its authenticity.

关于进一步加强报刊摘转稿件管理的通知 (2002.02.25)
一 、报刊摘转稿件必须牢牢把握政治舆论导向,严格遵守新闻出版管理法规和党的宣传纪律,对所摘转的内容要把好政治关。不得摘转有悖于党和国家方针政策的稿件。刊载涉及国家重大政策、民族宗教、外交、保密等内容,应严格遵守有关规定,必要时要征询有关部门的意见。
六 、任何报刊不得任意摘转国际互连网上未经核实的新闻和信息。

Regulations on the Administration of Publishing (2001.12.25)
Article 3: Publishing businesses shall adhere to the path of serving the people and serving socialism, adhere to the guidance of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and promulgate and accumulate scientific technology and cultural knowledge that is advantageous to economic development and social progress . . . .
Article 9 : Newspapers, periodicals, reference books, audio/visual products and electronic publications and other publications shall be published by publishing units. As used in these regulations, publishing units include newspaper publishing houses, periodical publishing houses, reference book publishing houses, audio/visual publishing houses and electronic publication publishing houses and others. If a legal person publishes newspapers and periodicals but does not establish a newspaper publishing house or periodical publishing house, the newspaper editorial office or periodical editorial office that it establishes shall be deemed the publishing unit.
Article 10: The State Council's publishing administration agency shall formulate plans for the entire country's publishing units' quantity, organization and distribution, and shall guide and coordinate the development of publishing undertakings.
Article 11: Anyone establishing a publishing unit shall possess the following qualifications:
1. Have a publishing unit name and articles of incorporation;
2. Have a sponsoring unit and managing unit that have been recognized by the State Council's publishing administration agency;
3. Have a defined scope of operation;
4. Have a registered capital of at least RMB 300,000 and a fixed working location;
5. Have organizational structures suited to the business scope and editorial publishing specialists whose qualifications conform to national prescriptions;
6. Other legal and administrative qualifications prescribed by law. Examination and approval of the establishment of publishing units shall, in addition to the aforementioned qualifications, also conform to the nation's plans for the quantity, organization and distribution of publishing units.

出版管理条例 (2001.12.25)
第三条 出版事业必须坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导,传播和积累有益于提高民族素质 . . . .
第九条 报纸、期刊、图书、音像制品和电子出版物等应当由出版单位出版。
第十条 国务院出版行政部门制定全国出版单位总量、结构、布局的规划,指导、协调出版事业发展。
第十一条 设立出版单位,应当具备下列条件:

Notice Regarding Prohibiting the Transmission of Harmful Information and Further Regulating Publishing Order (2001.10.25)
2 . No one may establish an entity whose primary purpose is to transmit news information and engage in other news publishing activities without permission from the press and publication administration agency.

关于禁止传播有害信息进一步规范出版秩序的通知 (2001.10.25)
二 、未经新闻出版行政管理部门批准,不得成立以传播新闻信息以及从事其他新闻出版活动为主要内容的机构。

Regulations on the Administration of Printing Enterprises (2001.08.02)

Article 7: The nation implements a licensing system for the printing industry.  No unit or individual may engage in printing activities unless they have obtained a Printer Operating License in accordance with these regulations.
Article 15: Enterprises engaging in publication printing activities may not print publications that the government has ordered censored or publications that are not published by a publishing work unit.

印刷业管理条例 (2001.08.02)
第十五条 从事出版物印刷经营活动的企业不得印刷国家明令禁止出版的出版物和非出版单位出版的出版物。

Provisions on the Administration of Internet Electronic Bulletin Board Services (2000.11.08)
Article 5: Operators of Internet Information Services who also establish electronic bulletin board services shall, when applying to the provincial, autonomous region, or independent municipality telecommuniations administration agency, or the Ministry of Information Industry for a Commercial Internet Information Service License or undertaking registration as a non-commercial Internet Information Service, set forth this fact specifically in their application or registration.
Article 11: Electronic bulletin board providers shall provide only services in accordance with the category or subject matter areas that have been permitted, and may not provide services that exceed these categories or establish other subject matter areas.
Article 13: If an electronic bulletin board provider notices that any information falling under Article 9 of these regulations has appeared on its electronic bulletin board service system, they shall immediately delete it, retain the relevant records, and report it to the relevant authorities.

互联网电子公告服务管理规定 (2000.11.08)
第五条 从事互联网信息服务,拟开展电子公告服务的,应当在向省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构或者信息产业部申请经营性互联网信息服务许可或者办理非经营性互联网信息服务备案时,提出专项申请或者专项备案。
第十一条 电子公告服务提供者应当按照经批准或者备案的类别和栏目提供服务,不得超出类别或者另设栏目提供服务。
第十三条 电子公告服务提供者发现其电子公告服务系统中出现明显属于本办法第九条所列的信息内容之一的,应当立即删除,保存有关记录,并向国家有关机关报告。

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Websites Engaged in News Posting Operations (2000.11.01)
Article 5: The legally established websites of central news units, news units of all departments of the central government's agencies and the news units directly under the provinces, autonomous regions and independent municipalities and the municipal people's governments for the provinces and autonomous regions ("news websites") may engage in news posting operations after receiving authorization. Other news units may not independently establish news websites, but after receiving authorization may establish news web pages and engage in news posting operations on the news website established by a central news unit or a news unit of a province, autonomous region or independent municipality.
Article 7: Non-news units that establish general interest websites ("general interest non-news unit websites") that possess the qualifications set forth in Article 9 of these Provisions, may engage in operations of posting news promulgated by central government news units, the news units of departments of central government agencies, and the news units directly under the provinces, autonomous regions and independent municipalities, but may not post news from their own sources or news from other sources. Other Internet websites that are established by a non-news unit in accordance with the law may not engage in news posting operations.
Article 8: General interest non-news unit websites that engage in news posting operations shall, in accordance with Article 7 of these Provisions, after receiving examination and approval from the people's government information offices for the provinces, autonomous regions and independent municipalities, submit to examination and verification by the State Council Information Agency.

互联网站从事登载新闻业务管理暂行规定 (2000.11.01)
第五条 中央新闻单位、中央国家机关各部门新闻单位以及省、自治区、直辖市和省、自治区人民政府所在地的市直属新闻单位依法建立的互联网站(以下简称新闻网站),经批准可以从事登载新闻业务。其他新闻单位不单独建立新闻网站,经批准可以在中央新闻单位或者省、自治区、直辖市直属新闻单位建立的新闻网站建立新闻网页从事登载新闻业务。
第七条 非新闻单位依法建立的综合性互联网站(以下简称综合性非新闻单位网站),具备本规定第九条所列条件的,经批准可以从事登载中央新闻单位、中央国家机关各部门新闻单位以及省、自治区、直辖市直属新闻单位发布的新闻的业务,但不得登载自行采写的新闻和其他来源的新闻。非新闻单位依法建立的其他互联网站,不得从事登载新闻业务
第八条 综合性非新闻单位网站依照本规定第七条从事登载新闻业务,应当经主办单位所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府新闻办公室审核同意,报国务院新闻办公室批准。

Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services (2000.09.25)
Article 4: There will be national implementation of a licensing system for commercial internet information services, and a registration system for non-commercial internet information services.

No one who fails to be licensed or who fails to comply with registration measures may engage in internet information services.

Article 14: Providers of internet information services engaged in journalism, publishing and BBS services shall record all information content and the time it was issued, and the internet address or city name; internet access providers shall record information regarding the amount of time each customer was on the internet, the customer's account number, internet address or city name, primary phone number, etc. Providers of internet information services and internet access providers shall maintain these records for 60 days, and shall make them available to all relevant government agencies examining them pursuant to law.

互联网信息服务管理办法 (2000.09.25)
第四条 国家对经营性互联网信息服务实行许可制度;对非经营性互联网信息服务实行备案制度。
第十四 条从事新闻、出版以及电子公告等服务项目的互联网信息服务提供者,应当记录提供的信息内容及其发布时间、互联网地址或者域名;互联网接入服务提供者应当记录上网用户的上网时间、用户帐号、互联网地址或者域名、主叫电话号码等信息。互联网信息服务提供者和互联网接入服务提供者的记录备份应当保存60日,并在国家有关机关依法查询时,予以提供。

Regulations on the Administration of Television Dramas (2000.06.15)
Article 20: No television drama may be distributed, broadcast, imported or exported unless it has been examined and granted a "Television Program Distribution License" by a Television Program Examination Organ established by a broadcast television executive department at the provincial level or higher.

电视剧管理规定 (2000.06.15)
第二十条 未经省级以上广播电视行政部门设立的电视剧审查机构审查通过并取得《电视剧发行许可证》的电视剧,不得发行、播放、进口、出口。

Notice Regarding Strengthening the Administration Work of Provincial Level Television Satellite Program Channels (2000.01.30)
1. Satellite television channels shall strictly observe propaganda requirements, and firmly observe correct guidance of public opinion. With respect to reports on important events, breaking stories and other sensitive issues, they must obey the integrated dispositions of the local party committee Propaganda Departments, and strictly abide by Party discipline.

关于加强省级电视台上星节目频道管理工作的通知 (2000.01.30)
一 、上星节目频道要严格把握宣传口径,牢牢把握正确舆论导向。对重大事件、突发事件和其他敏感问题的报道,必须服从当地党委宣传部的统一部署,严格遵守宣传纪律。

Notice Regarding Further Strengthening the Administration of Periodicals Relating to Current Affairs and Politics, General Lifestyle, Information Tabloids and Scientific Theory (2000.06.28)
1. The publication of periodicals relating to current affairs and politics, general lifestyle, information tabloids, and scientific theory must uphold the correct political direction, uphold the correct guidance of public opinion, strengthen political conciousness, general situation conciousness, responsibility conciousness, uphold service of the people, and uphold service to society through the publishing principle of socially beneficial effects taking precedence.
2. In the process of publishing periodicals relating to current affairs and politics, general lifestyle, information tabloids, and scientific theory, those involved shall earnestly implement the guiding policies of the Party's relevant propaganda work, strictly obey Party propaganda discipline, and strictly implement relevant national regulations and rules on periodical publishing administration, and strictly prohibit any of the following contents from appearing in periodicals:
(i) Denying the guiding status of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, or Deng Xiaoping Theory;
(ii) Violating the Party line, guiding principles, or policies;
(vii) Anything else that violates Party propaganda discipline or violates national publishing administration regulations.
3. Periodicals relating to current affairs and politics, general lifestyle, information tabloids, and scientific theory that carry contents relating to significant political issues regarding the Party and the nation, carry contents relating to foreign diplomacy, nationality, or religious policies, or carry contents relating national security, the military, and national defense construction must strictly obey the united demands of the Central Propaganda Department, and strictly obey relevant national regulations.

关于进一步加强时事政治类、综合文化生活类、信息文摘类和学术理论类期刊管理的通知 (2000.06.28)
一 、时政、综合文化、信息文摘、学术理论类期刊的出版,必须坚持正确的政治方向,坚持正确的舆论导向,增强政治意识、大局意识、责任意识,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的出版方针,坚持社会效益第一的原则。
二 、时政、综合文化、信息文摘、学术理论类期刊在出版过程中,应认真执行党的有关宣传工作的方针政策,严格遵守党的宣传纪律,严格执行国家对期刊出版管理的有关法规、规章,严禁在刊物上出现以下内容:
三 、时政、综合文化、信息文摘、学术理论类期刊刊发有关涉及党和国家重大政治问题的内容,刊发涉及外交、民族、宗教政策的内容以及刊发涉及国家安全、军队、国防建设等方面的内容,必须严格遵守党委宣传部门的统一要求,严格遵守国家的有关规定。

Notice Regarding Prohibiting Non-News Publishing Organs from Engaging in Activities Relating to Newspapers and Periodicals (1999.08.16)
1. News publishing organs that have been established with the permission of the State are authorized to engage in activities such as news publishing, interviewing and reporting. News activities shall conform to national regulations and policies, and shall make social benefit their priority. Non-news publishing organs may not engage in news activities without permission from the State agency administering news and publishing.

关于非新闻出版机构不得从事与报刊有关活动的通知 (1999.08.16)
一 、经国家批准设立的新闻出版机构,有权依法从事新闻出版、采访、报道等活动。新闻活动要遵守国家管理法规和政策,把社会效益放在首位。非新闻出版机构未经国家新闻出版行政管理部门批准,不得从事新闻活动。

Notice Regarding Strengthening and Improving the Work of Recording Important Topics (1999.03.09)
2. Implementing a monthly reporting system for important topics. In order to strengthen the overall administration of the publishing of important topics, beginning from April 4, 1999, a monthly reporting system for the working situation for these topics is hereby implemented. By the 10th day of each month the Press and Publication Office of each province, autonomous region, and independent municipality, as well as the responsible department for every publishing unit in the capital, must submit a list (in the form attached) of all planned topics that are required to be recorded in the following month to the Book Administration Office of the General Administration of Press and Publication, and simultaneously send a copy to the Publishing Office of the Central Propaganda Department. The Press and Publication Office of each province, autonomous region, and independent municipality must receive approval of its monthly report's contents from the provincial committee's propaganda department before submitting it to their superiors.
4 . . . . The publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, as well as the agencies responsible for publishing work units in the capitals, shall further strengthen overall administration, strictly standardize the working procedures for the work of recording important topics, and increase the degree of law enforcement. With respect to books involving the category of important topics, they shall not only assist publishing units in conducting auditing work in accordance with regulatory procedures, and get a strict grasp on the contents of drafts, but shall also strengthen their regulation and control of quantity, reduce redundancies in publishing, and the overall quality of these types of books.

In the recording of important topics, the publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, shall consult the opinion of the Central Propaganda Department in a timely manner. The publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, as well as the agencies responsible for publishing work units in the capitals, shall supervise and urge the publishing units to earnestly implement the editorial opinions offered by the relevant agencies in the process of auditing drafts, and shall re-audit the drafts that have been revised in accordance with the recordation procedures.

关于加强和改进重大选题备案工作的通知 (1999.03.09)
二 、实行重大选题月报制度。为加强对重大选题出版的宏观管理,自1999年4 月起,对这类选题的运作情况实行月报制度。各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局、在京出版单位的主管部门,每月10日须列表(表格附后)将下一个月拟安排的有关需要备案的选题,报送我署图书出版管理司,并同时抄送中宣部出版局。各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局月报内容上报前,须经省委宣传部同意。
四 . . . 各省、自治区、直辖市出版管理部门和在京出版单位主管部门要进一步加强宏观管理,严格规范重大选题备案工作的运作程序,加大执法力度。对涉及重大选题范畴的图书,不仅要帮助出版单位按规定程序做好审核工作,对书稿内容严格把关,而且要加强总量调控,减少重复出版,提高这类图书的整体质量。


Explanation Regarding Certain Questions About the Specific Laws to be used in Adjudicating Criminal Cases of Illegal Publications (1998.12.17)
Article 11: Anyone who violates national regulations and publishes, prints, copies or distributes illegal publications other than those listed in Article 1 through 10 of this Regulation and severely jeopardizes social order or disrupts market order shall, where the situation is serious, be sanctioned in accordance with the stipulations of Article 225 of the Criminal Law for the crime of illegally conducting business.

关于审理非法出版物刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释 (1998.12.17)
第十一条 违反国家规定,出版、印刷、复制、发行本解释第一条至第十条规定以外的其他严重危害社会秩序和扰乱市场秩序的非法出版物,情节严重的,依照刑法第二百二十五条第(三)项的规定,以非法经营罪定罪处罚。

Notice Regarding Certain Problems with Recent Publishing of Periodicals (1998.10.16)
1 . The publishing of periodicals must be done in accordance with the Party line, guidelines, and policies, shall submit to the general situation, and accord with the requirements of the socialist spirit civilization.

关于目前期刊出版有关问题的通知 (1998.10.16)
一 、出版期刊必须符合党的路线、方针、政策,要服从大局,符合社会主义精神文明的要求。

Notice Regarding Further Strengthening the Administration Relating to Publications (1998.08.24)
1 . Diligently manage the publishing of publications containing important topics. Publications containing important topics regarding the work and life situation of the primary leaders of the Party and the government, the history of the PRC, the history of the People's Liberation Army, and foreign relations, religion, etc., shall only be published by publishing houses with the relevant scope approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication.

关于进一步加强对有关出版物管理的通知 (1998.08.24)
一 、认真管好重大选题出版物的出版。有关党和国家主要领导人工作的生活情况、中国共产党党史、中华人民共和国国史、中国人民解放军军史,以及涉及外交、宗教等方面重大选题的出版物,必须由具有经国家新闻出版署批准的相应业务范围的出版社出版。

Provisions on the Administration of Electronic Publications (1997.12.30)
Article 70: Anyone who, without authorization, presumes to establish a unit to publish, copy, or import electronic publications, or presumes to engage in the business of publishing, copying, importating, or distributing electronic publications, shall be shut down and have their electronic publications, tools and equipment used primarily to engage in the illegal activity, and illegal revenue, confiscated. Furthermore, they shall be subject to a fine of between 2 and 10 times their illegal revenue. Where a crime has occurred criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

电子出版物管理规定 (1997.12.30)
第七十四条 未经批准,擅自设立电子出版物出版、复制、进口单位,擅自从事电子出版物出版、复制、进口、发行业务,予以取缔,没收电子出版物和从事非法活动的主要专用工具、设备以及违法所得,并处违法所得2倍以上10倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Urgent Notice Regarding Reaffirming the Strengthening of the Administration of Books Reflecting the Work and Life Circumstances of the Major Leaders of the Party and the Nation (1997.01.24)
1 . Any book that reflects upon work or life situation of a current or former member of the Party Politburo Standing Committee, the National Chairman, Vice Chairman, Premier of the State Council, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, or the Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference must be specifically reported and approved.
3 . Books reflecting on the work and life situation of the Party's and the nation's primary leaders may only be published by publishing houses that specialize in publishing work within this scope designated by the State, and it is absolutely forbidden for other publishers to arrange for such publications.
4 . The publishing of books reflecting on the work and life situation of the Party's and the nation's primary leaders must strictly implement the system of reporting the topic and applying for authorization.

关于重申对出版反映党和国家主要领导人工作和生活情况图书加强管理的紧急通知 (1997.01.24)
一 、反映现任或曾任党中央政治局常委,国家主席、副主席,国务院总理,中央军委主席,全国人民大常务委员会委员长,全国政协主席工作和生活情况的图书必须专题报批。
三 、反映党和国家主要领导人工作和生活情况的图书,只能由国家指定的出版社按专业分工范围出版,其他出版社一律不得安排出版。
四 、出版反映党和国家主要领导人工作和生活情况的图书,必须严格执行专题申报、审批制度。

Notice Regarding the Printing and Promulgation of the "Measures on the Recording of Important Topics of Books, Periodicals, Audio/Visual Productions and Electronic Publications" (1997.10.10)
Article 3: In these Measures "important topics" refers to any selections whose contents relate to such matters as national security and social stability or which shall produce a relatively large influence on such things as the nation's government, economy, culture or military matters, and shall specifically include:
(i) topics concerning documents or literature of the party or the nation;
(ii) works and literature concerning any former or current leaders of the party or the nation, and selections concerning the circumstances of their lives or work;
(iii) topics which deal with party or state secrets;
(iv) topics which compile introductions of the structure of government entities or the circumstances of party or state leaders;
(v) topics which deal with nationality problems or religious problems;
(vi) topics which deal with the building of national defense and the battles, combat, work or lives of important figures of China's military in any historical period;
(vii) topics which deal with the "Cultural Revolution";
(viii) topics which deal with any significant historical matters or important historical figures in the history of the Chinese Communist Party;
(ix) topics which deal with top level figures in the Republican Party and any other top level objectives of the united front;
(x) topics which deal with the Soviet Union, eastern Europe and all other party brothers and nationally significant matters and primary leaders;
(xi) topics which deal with maps of China's borders;(xii) topics which deal with books on the Hong Kong Special Administration Zone, Macao and the Taiwan region;
(xiii) topics of large scale translations of ancient texts into modern Chinese (equal to or greater than 5,000,000 characters)(xiv) topics of imported animated reading material; and
(xv) selections whose contents are any type of directory of entity names or communication addresses.

The scope of the important topics listed above shall be adjusted and promulgated by the General Administration of Press and Publication in accordance with circumstances.
Article 5: Within 30 days of deciding to accept recordation, GAPP shall provide an answer or opinion to the applicant, and if no answer or opinion is provided within this time, the recordation shall be automatically effective.
Article 7 : The primarily responsible person at any publishing unit that violates these Measures and publishes publications with contents within the scope of important topics without recording shall be subject to administrative punishment by the provincial Office of Press and Publication or the Office of Press and Publication that is the superior responsible agency. Publication and distribution of the publication shall cease, and the publishing unit shall be ordered to undertake recording procedures in accordance with these Measures. Violations of the "Regulations on the Administration of Publishing" shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations.

关于印发《图书、期刊、音像制品、电子出版物重大选题备案办法》的通知 (1997.10.10)
第三条 本办法所称重大选题,是指涉及国家安全、社会安定等方面的内容,对国家的政治、经济、文化、军事等会产生较大影响的选题,具体包括:

第五条 新闻出版署自决定受理备案之日起30日内,对备案申请予以答复或者提出意见,逾期未予答复或者提出意见的,备案即自动生效。
第七条 出版单位违反本办法,未经备案出版属于重大选题范围内的出版物的,由省级新闻出版局或新闻出版署责成其上级主管部门对出版单位的主要负责人员给予行政处分;停止出版、发行该出版物,并责令该出版单位按照本办法的规定办理申报备案手续;违反《出版管理条例》的,依照有关规定处罚。

Notice Regarding the Work of Bringing the Periodical Industry Under Control (1997.03.10)
(6) Any entity exhibiting any of the following circumstances that does not show clear alteration following the implementation of administrative measures shall be shut down:
1. Publication of articles containing serious political errors.

关于期刊业治理工作的通知 (1997.03.10)
(六) 凡有下列情况之一,经采取行政管理措施没有明显改变的,应予停办:

Notice Regarding Resolutely Clamping Down on Illegal Publishing Activities (1996.01.25)
1. In accordance with State regulations, no entity or individual may engage in publishing, printing, copying or distributing books, newspapers, periodicals or audio/visual publications without authorization from the General Administration of Press and Publication.

关于坚决取缔非法出版活动的通知 (1996.01.25)
一 、根据国家规定,未经新闻出版行政管理部门批准,任何单位和个人不得从事图书、报纸、期刊、音像及电子出版物的出版、印刷、复制和发行活动。

Regulations for the Management of Ground Satellite Television Broadcasting Receptors (1993.10.5)
Article 9: Individuals may not install and use satellite earth reception equipment.

卫星电视广播地面接收设施管理规定 (1993.10.5)
第九条 个人不得安装和使用卫星地面接收设施。

Interim Provisions on the Functions of the Sponsoring Unit and the Managing Unit for Publishing Units (1993.06.29)
Article 3: "Publishing Unit" refers to any newspaper publisher, periodical publisher (editorial department), book publishing house and audio/visual publishing house that has been organized in accordance with relevant national regulations, has been examined and approved by the press and publication executive administration agency, and has complied with registration procedures.
Article 6: The Sponsoring Unit/Managing Unit and the Publishing Unit must have a leader/lead relationship, and may not merely have a relied-upon/reliant party relationship.

关于出版单位的主办单位和主管单位职责的暂行规定 (1993.06.29)
第三条 出版单位是指依照国家有关规定举办,经国家新闻出版行政管理部门审核批准并履行登记注册手续的报社、期刊社(编辑部)、图书出版社和音像出版社。
第六条 主管单位、主办单位与出版单位之间必须是领导与被领导的关系,不能是挂靠与被挂靠的关系。

Regulations on Customs' Administration of Printed Materials and Audio/Visual Materials Imported or Exported by Individuals Via Carriage or Post (1991.07.10)
Article 4: Any printed materials or audio/visual materials with any of the following contents shall be prohibited from being brought into China:
1. Attacking any relevant regulations of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China; slandering any policies of the nation currently in effect; defaming any Party or national leaders; inciting the carrying out of subversion or destruction of the People's Republic of China or creating division among ethnic groups; or advocating "two Chinas" or "Taiwan independence."
4. Anything else that is harmful to the government, economy, culture, or morals of the People's Republic of China.

海关对个人携带和邮寄印刷品及音像制品进出境管理规定 (1991.07.10)
第四条 有下列内容之一的印刷品或音像制品,禁止进境:
1.攻击中华人民共和国宪法的有关规定; 污蔑国家现行政策; 诽谤中国共产党和国家领导人; 煽动对中华人民共和国进行覆复破坏、制造民族分裂;鼓吹"两个中国"或"台湾独立"的。

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Newspapers (1990.12.25)
Article 7: The nation's newspaper enterprises constitute an important part of the Communist Party's socialist news enterprise, and shall persistently adhere to the path of serving socialism and serving the people, and persistently adhere to the highest standards for the benefit of society, propagate Marxism and Maoist thought, propagate the path and policies of the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China; transmit information and scientific technology, cultural knowledge, and provide healthy entertainment for the masses of people; reflect the opinions and suggestions of the masses of people, and bring about the fruits of monitoring the news consensus.
Article 24: Newspapers must undergo authorization by, and registration with, the relevant press and publication administrative management agency, otherwise it shall be deemed illegal publishing.

报纸管理暂行规定 (1990.12.25)
第七条 我国的报纸事业是中国共产党领导的社会主义新闻事业的重要组成部分,必须坚持为社会主义服务、为人民服务的基本方针,坚持以社会效益为最高准则,宣传马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,宣传中国共产党和中华人民共和国政府的方针和政策;传播信息和科学技术、文化知识,为人民群众提供健康的娱乐;反映人民群众的意见和建议,发挥新闻舆论的监督作用。
第二十四条 报纸必须按规定经有关新闻出版行政管理部门批准登记注册后方可出版,否则属非法出版。

Regulations Regarding Strengthening the Administration of Publications Describing Major Party and National Leaders (1990.05.05)
1. . . . . As used in these Regulations "publications describing major party and nation leaders" refers to any monographs, biographies, memoirs, documentary writings and reportage describing or narrating [major party and nation leaders].
2. The publication and distribution of these types of books and essays must be solemn and discreet. The description of historical facts must be accurate, and the point of view must conform with the spirit of the Party's "Decision Regarding Certain Historical Problems," "Decision Regarding Certain Historical Problems Since the Establishment of the Party" and related Party documents. All responsible agencies and publishing units must strictly guard against violations, and anything that does not conform to the above mentioned requirements may not be published and distributed.
3. These types of books may only be published by the People's Publishing House, the Central Historic Documents Publishing House, the Communist Party Historical Materials Publishing House, the Communist Party School Publishing House, the Communist Youth Publishing House, the Liberation Army Publishing House, and the People's Publishing Houses for the provinces, autonomous regions and independent municipalities. No other publishing houses may arrange for their publication. . . .
4. When relevant publishing houses are arranging for the publication of topics for these types of books, local publishing houses shall provide drafts to their local Press and Publication Office, which shall read and evaluate the manuscript and offer their opinions, and after receiving approval from the Communist Party Propaganda Department shall provide it to the General Administration for Press and Publication for examination and approval. Central level publishing houses shall provide a draft to their responsible department, and after the responsible department has reviewed the manuscript and provided an opinion, provide it to the General Administration for Press and Publication for examination and approval. Publishers of manuscripts written about major Party and national leaders who are currently living must solicit the opinions of that person prior to submission to the General Administration for Press and Publication.

关于对描写党和国家主要领导人的出版物加强管理的规定 (1990.05.05)
一 、. . . . 本规定所称描写党和国家主要领导人的出版物指:专门描写、记述上述人物的专著、传记、回忆录、纪实文学、报告文学等。
三 、这类图书限由人民出版社、中央文献出版社、中共党史资料出版社、中共中央党校出版社、中国青年出版社、解放军出版社和各省、自治区、直辖市人民出版社出版,其他出版社一律不得安排出版。. . .
四 、有关出版社在安排这类图书选题时,地方出版社要将书稿报当地新闻出版局,由新闻出版局提出审读意见,经党委宣传部同意后报新闻出版署审批;中央级出版社要将书稿报主管部门,由主管部门提出审读意见后报新闻出版署审批。凡写健在的党和国家主要领导人的书稿,在报送新闻出版署之前,须先由出版单位征求本人意见。

Administrative Sanction Implementation Measures for the "Interim Measures on the Administration of Periodicals" (1989.06.22)
Article 11: Unofficial periodicals that publicly distribute, display, sell, and presume to undertake commercial activities shall be subject to a fine of between 0.5 and 1 times the illegal income and confiscation of all illegal income. Where the circumstances are severe, the registration shall be cancelled.

《期刊管理暂行规定》行政处罚实施办法 (1989.06.22)
第十一条 非正式期刊公开发行、陈列、销售和擅自进行经营活动的,处以总定价0.5倍以上1倍以下的罚款和没收非法收入情节严重的,撤销登记。

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Periodicals (1988.11.24)
Article 6: The administration of periodicals shall adopt the method of separation of systems and unification of channels of the exececutive management agencies of news publishing. The Party's and State Council's ministries, commissions, agencies, all democratic parties people's organizations, and all systems of the localities shall earnestly implement the administration of the periodicals of their respective units. All periodicals shall also accept the guidance and administration of the press and publication executive administration agency.
Article 38: Anyone engaging in periodical publishing, printing, or distribution activities who, in violation of national regulations, fails to get authorization and register, presumes to engage in periodical publishing activities, or who buys, counterfeits, or forges a periodical name, registration number or other instrument shall have criminal responsibility investigated by the justice department in accordance with law. Where the behavior does not constitute a crime, it shall be subject to punishment in accordance with relevant regulations by the press and publication executive administration agency, the industry and commerce executive administration agency, and the public security bureau within their jurisdiction.

期刊管理暂行规定 (1988.11.24)

Notice Regarding Striking Hard Against Illegal Publishing Activities (1987.07.06)
1. Except for those publishing units approved by the State, no unit or individual may publish to society for open distribution any book, periodical or audio/visual publication. Violators shall be deemed to engage in illegal publishing activities.

关于严厉打击非法出版活动的通知 (1987.07.06)
一 、除国家批准的出版单位外,任何单位和个人不得出版在社会上公开发行的图书、报刊和音像出版物,违者属非法出版活动。

PRC Domestic Laws and Regulations:
National Security and State Secrets

Explanation of Certain Issues Regarding the Specific Laws to be Used in Adjudicating Cases of Stealing or Spying to Obtain, or Illegally Supplying, State Secrets or Intelligence for Foreigners (2000.11.20)
Article 1: The term "intelligence" in Article 111 of the Criminal Law refers to items which involve the security and interests of the nation, but which are not public or which, according to relevant regulations, should not be made public.
Article 5: Any person who knows, or should know, that an item which is not marked secret relates to the security and interests of the nation and steals, acquires through spying or buys it for, or illegally supplies it to, a foreigner, shall be prosecuted and punished under the provisions of Article 111 of the Criminal Law for stealing, acquiring through spying or buying state secrets for, or illegally supplying state secrets to, a foreigner.
Article 6: Anyone using the Internet to illegally transmit state secrets or intelligence to a foreign entity, organization or individual shall be prosecuted and punished under the provisions of Article 111 of the Criminal Law; where the promulgation of state secrets through the Internet is particularly serious, they shall be prosecuted and punished under the provisions of Article 398 of the Criminal Law.

关于审理为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密、情报案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释 (2000.11.20)
第一条 刑法第一百一十一条规定的"情报",是指关系国家安全和利益、尚未公开或者依照有关规定不应公开的事项
第五条 行为人知道或者应当知道没有标明密级的事项关系国家安全和利益,而为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供的,依照刑法第一百一十一条的规定以为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密罪定罪处罚。
第六条 通过互联网将国家秘密或者情报非法发送给境外的机构、组织、个人的,依照刑法第一百一十一条的规定定罪处罚;将国家秘密通过互联网予以发布,情节严重的,依照刑法第三百九十八条的规定定罪处罚。

Provisions on the Administration of the Protection of Secrets on Internationally Networked Computer Information Systems (2000.01.01)
Article 3: All individuals, legal persons and other organizations conducting international interconnection ("users"), Internet units or access units shall abide by these Provisions.
Article 8: The administration of the protection of secrecy of online information shall adhere to the principle of "those who go online shall bear responsibility." Anyone who provides or disseminates information to internationally networked sites must go through secrecy protection examination and approval. Agencies which implement the administration of secrecy protection examination and approval and relevant units shall establish and perfect online information secrecy protection examination and approval leadership responsibility systems in accordance with national secrecy protection regulations. Units which provide information shall perfect the secrecy protection examination and approval system in accordance with defined working procedures.
Article 9: Anyone who gathers information with the intention of providing online information services shall acquire the approval of the unit providing the information, unless it has already been openly issued in other news media. Anyone carrying out augmentation or updating of online information shall conscientiously enforce a system information secrecy protection examination and verification.
Article 10: Any unit or user who sets up an online bulletin board system, chat room or network newsgroup shall be examined and approved by the relevant secrecy protection work entity, which shall explicitly define its secrecy protection requirements and responsibilities. No unit or individual may disseminate, discuss or transmit information which is a state secret on an online bulletin board system, chat room or network newsgroup. Those persons who set up online bulletin board systems, chat rooms and network newsgroups which are open to the public or their superior responsible agencies shall conscientiously perform secrecy protection duties and establish sound administration systems to strengthen supervision and monitoring. Upon discovering any information which involves secrets, measures shall be taken in a timely manner and it shall be reported to the local secrecy protection work agency.
Article 11: Users utilizing electronic correspondence to carry online information exchange shall abide by the nation's relevant secrecy protection regulations, and shall not take advantage of electronic correspondence to transmit, transfer or forward on information which is a state secret. Internet units and access units shall explicitly define secrecy protection requirements and perfect administration systems for users of the mail servers which they administer.
Article 12: Internet units and access units shall make secrecy protection education one of the primary components of international interconnection technical training. Contracts entered into between internet units and access units and access units and users and user manuals shall clearly stipulate provisions that national secrecy protection laws shall be obeyed and the divulging of information which is a state secret is prohibited.

计算机信息系统国际联网保密管理规定 (2000.01.01)
第三条 凡进行国际联网的个人、法人和其他组织(以下统称用户),互联单位和接入单位,都应当遵守本规定。
第八条 上网信息的保密管理坚持"谁上网谁负责"的原则。凡向国际联网的站点提供或发布信息,必须经过保密审查批准。保密审批实行部门管理,有关单位应当根据国家保密法规,建立健全上网信息保密审批领导责任制。提供信息的单位应当按照一定的工作程序,健全信息保密审批制度。
第九条 凡以提供网上信息服务为目的而采集的信息,除在其它新闻媒体上已公开发表的,组织者在上网发布前,应当征得提供信息单位的同意;凡对网上信息进行扩充或更新,应当认真执行信息保密审核制度。
第十条 凡在网上开设电子公告系统、聊天室、网络新闻组的单位和用户,应由相应的保密工作机构审批,明确保密要求和责任。任何单位和个人不得在电子公告系统、聊天室、网络新闻组上发布、谈论和传播国家秘密信息。面向社会开放的电子公告系统、聊天室、网络新闻组,开办人或其上级主管部门应认真履行保密义务,建立完善的管理制度,加强监督检查。发现有涉密信息,应及时采取措施,并报告当地保密工作部门。
第十一条 用户使用电子函件进行网上信息交流,应当遵守国家有关保密规定,不得利用电子函件传递、转发或抄送国家秘密信息。互联单位、接入单位对其管理的邮件服务器的用户,应当明确保密要求,完善管理制度。
第十二条 互联单位和接入单位,应当把保密教育作为国际联网技术培训的重要内容。互联单位与接入单位、接入单位与用户所签订的协议和用户守则中,应当明确规定遵守国家保密法律,不得泄露国家秘密信息的条款。

Supreme People's Court Explanation Regarding Certain Problems in Implementing the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC (1998.09.02)
Article 20: Where active military personnel and nonmilitary persons commit a crime together, they shall be tried separately in military tribunals and local peoples courts or other courts with specialized jurisdiction. Where cases involve national military secrets the entire case shall be heard in the military tribunal with jurisdiction.

最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》若干问题的解释 (1998.09.02)
第二十条 现役军人(含军内在编职工,下同)和非军人共同犯罪的,分别由军事法院和地方人民法院或者其他专门法院管辖;涉及国家军事秘密的,全案由军事法院管辖。

Criminal Law (1997.03.04)
Article 105(2): Use of rumor mongering or defamation or other means to incite subversion of the national regime or the overthrow of the socialist system shall be punished by a sentence of five years or less of imprisonment, criminal detention, supervision or deprivation of political rights. Criminal leaders or those whose crimes are particularly severe shall be punished by a sentence of five years or more of imprisonment.
Article 111: Stealing or acquiring through spying or buying state secrets or intelligence for, or illegally supplying state secrets or intelligence to, a foreign entity, organization or personnel shall be punishable by a sentence of more than 5 and less than 10 years of imprisonment. Severe infractions shall be punishable by a sentence of 10 years to life of imprisonment. Minor infractions shall be punishable by a sentence of 5 years or less of imprisonment, criminal detention, supervision or deprivation of political rights.
Article 246: Use of violence or other methods to publicly humiliate a third party, or fabricating facts to defame a third party shall, where the circumstances are severe, be punished by a sentence of three years or less of imprisonment, criminal detention, supervision or deprivation of political rights. The aforementioned crime shall be prosecuted only if suit is filed, except where social order and national interests are severely disrupted.
Article 282: Illegally acquiring state secrets through theft, espionage or purchase shall be punishable by no more than three years imprisonment, criminal detention, supervision or deprivation of political rights. Severe infractions shall be punishable by a sentence of 3 to 7 years of imprisonment. Illegally possessing documents, information or other materials which are classified top secret or secret and refusing to explain the source or purpose shall be punishable by no more than three years imprisonment, criminal detention or supervision.
Article 283: Illegally producing or selling wire-tapping, micro-cameras or other equipment used for espionage is to be sentenced to not more than 3 years of imprisonment, criminal detention, or supervision.
Article 398: Any state personnel who violates the prescriptions of the State Secrets Law and intentionally or negligently divulge state secrets shall, where the infraction is severe, be punishable by no more than three years imprisonment or criminal detention. Especially severe infractions shall be punishable by a sentence of 3 to 7 years of imprisonment. Persons who are not state personnel who commit a crime mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall, if the circumstances warrant it, be punished in accordance with the foregoing paragraph.

中华人民共和国刑法 (1997.03.04)
第一百一十一条 为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密或者情报的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。
第二百四十六条 以暴力或者其他方法公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。前款罪,告诉的才处理,但是严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的除外。
第二百八十二条 以窃取、刺探、收买方法,非法获取国家秘密的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利;情节严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。非法持有属于国家绝密、机密的文件、资料或者其他物品,拒不说明来源与用途的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。
第二百八十三条 非法生产、销售窃听、窃照等专用间谍器材的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。
第三百九十八条 国家机关工作人员违反保守国家秘密法的规定,故意或者过失泄露国家秘密,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情节特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。非国家机关工作人员犯前款罪的,依照前款的规定酌情处罚。

Measures for the Implementation of the Law on State Security (1994.06.04)
Article 7: As used in Article 4 of the Law on State Secrets, "collude" to carry out actions which will jeopardize national security, refers to any actions of organizations or individuals within the borders of China:
(i) plotting or carrying out together with foreign entities, organizations or individuals activities which jeopardize national security;
(ii) accepting financing from foreign entities, organizations or individuals to facilitate or carry out activities which jeopardize national security;
(iii) establishing affiliation with, obtaining aid from, assisting or carrying out with foreign entities, organizations or individuals activities which jeopardize national security.
Article 8: The following actions shall constitute "other disruptive activities which jeopardize national security" under Article 4 of the Law on National Security:
(i) organizing, plotting or implementing terrorist activities which jeopardize national security;
(ii) fabricating or distorting facts, disseminating or spreading writing or speech or producing or transmitting audio/visual productions that jeopardize national security;
(iii) taking advantage of established social groups or enterprise organizations to carry out activities which jeopardize national security;
(iv) taking advantage of religions to carry out activities which jeopardize national security;
(v) producing dissension among peoples or inciting division among peoples in a manner which jeopardizes national security; and
(vi) any foreign individual who, in violation of relevant regulations, does not listen to dissuasion, and without authorization meets with personnel in China who has activities which jeopardize national security, or who are under significant suspicion of having activities which jeopardize national security.

中华人民共和国国家安全法实施细则 (1994.06.04)
第七条 《国家安全法》第四条所称"勾结"实施危害国家安全的行为,是指境内组织、个人的下列行为:
第八条 下列行为属于《国家安全法》第四条所称"危害国家安全的其他破坏活动":

Notice Regarding Preventing State Secrets from Being Divulged in Publications (1994-03-12)
3.  Any publication having the following contents must strenuously implement a system for submission for examination and approval: important national policies, Party documents and files, the national defense establishment and military might situation, the nation's foreign policy and foreign propaganda work, statistics and data regarding the national economy and social development, materials for advanced technology and scientific achievements, surveys and maps, national security activities and the prosecution of criminal activities, any other important issues that government agencies and industries should not publicize, and any other issue that the publishing unit is unable to determine might be a state secret.

关于防止在出版物中泄露国家秘密的通知 (1994-03-12)

State Security Law (1993.02.22)
Article 4: Any organization or individual engaging in behavior which jeopardizes the national security of the People's Republic of China shall be subject to legal investigation.
As used in this Law "behavior which jeopardizes national security" refers to the following behavior which jeopardizes the national security of the People's Republic of China which entities, organizations or individuals outside of the country carry out, or instigate or finance third parties to carry out, or which organizations or individuals within the country collude with entities, organizations or individuals outside of the country to carry out:
(i) conspiring to subvert the government, divide the country or overthrow the socialist system;
(ii) joining an espionage organization or accepting a mission from an espionage organization or its agents;
(iii) stealing, making secret inquiries of, paying for or illegally providing state secrets;
(iv) encouraging, instigating or paying for a state employee to commit treason; and
(v) engaging in any other disruptive behavior which jeopardizes national security.

国家安全法 (1993.02.22)
第四条 任何组织和个人进行危害中华人民共和国国家安全的行为都必须受到法律追究。

Regulations on the Protection of Secrets in News Publishing (1992.06.13)
Article 14 : Article 14: Anyone who plans to supply a news agency with information for public report or publication shall, if such information relates to the work of their own system or unit, or if they are unclear as to whether it relates to state secrets, first apply to their unit or their supervising organ or unit for examination and approval.
Article 15: Anyone wishing to provide a foreign news publishing organization a report or publication with contents that relate to the nation's government, economy, diplomacy, technology or military shall first apply to their unit or their supervising organ or unit for examination and approval.

新闻出版保密规定 (1992.06.13)
第十四条 个人拟向新闻出版单位提供公开报道、出版的信息,凡涉及本系统、本单位业务工作的或对是否涉及国家秘密界限不清的,应当事先经本单位或其上级机关、单位审定。
第十五条 个人拟向境外新闻出版机构提供报道、出版涉及国家政治、经济、外交、科技、军事方面内容的,应当事先经过本单位或其上级机关、单位审定。向境外投寄稿件,应当按照国家有关规定办理。

Measures for the Implementation of the Law on the Protection of State Secrets (1990.04.25)
Article 4: Any matter which would give rise to any of the following consequences if it were divulged, shall be brought within the scope of a state secret and a specific secrecy grade:
(i) jeopardizes the ability of the national government to maintain stability and defend itself;
(ii) affects the integrity of the nation's unity, solidarity among peoples or social stability;
(iii) harms political or economic interests of the nation with respect to the outside world;
(iv) affects the safety of any national leader or foreign dignitary;
(v) hinders important national safety or health work;
(vi) causes a reduction in the effectiveness or reliability of any measures to protect state secrets;
(vii) weakens the nation's economy or technological strength;
(viii) causes any national organ to lose its ability to exercise its legal authority.

保守国家秘密法实施办法 (1990.04.25)
第四条 某一事项泄露后会造成下列后果之一的,应当列入国家秘密及其密级的具体范围(以下简称保密范围):

Law on the Protection of State Secrets (1988.09.05)
Article 2: State secrets are all issues relating to the security and interests of the nation, determined in accordance with legally defined procedures, the knowledge of which is restricted to a defined scope of personnel for a defined length of time.
Article 8: State secrets include the following secret issues which comply with prescriptions of Article 2 of this law:
(i) secret issues in significant decisions in national affairs;
(ii) secret issues in the activities of national defense building and the strength of the armed forces;
(iii) secret issues in the activities of diplomacy and foreign affairs and issues of assuming secret duties with respect to the outside world;
(iv) secret issues in the economic and social development of citizens;
(v) secret issues in scientific technology;
(vi) secret issues in activities of maintaining national security and the investigation of criminal activity; and
(vii) any other state secret issues which the national secrecy protection work agencies determines should be preserved.

Anything which does not comply with prescriptions of Article 2 of this law shall not be considered state secrets.

All party matters which comply with prescriptions of Article 2 of this law shall be considered state secrets.

保守国家秘密法 (1988.09.05)
第二条 国家秘密是关系国家的安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。

Domestic Laws and Regulations:
Vague and Overbroad Regulations

Note: The wording of these laws would not necessarily be vague and overbroad if PRC legislative bodies provided statutory guidance regarding what constitutes the national interest, rumor mongering, or defamation in the subversion context, or if the public security authorities and Procuracy provided guidance as to when they will or will not pursue criminal complaints in connection with these matters, or if China's courts issued meaningful opinions when deciding cases involving such matters. Unfortunately, Chinese authorities have yet to offer any such guidance to the public.



Selected Provisions

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Publication (2002)


Article 17: Internet publications may not carry the following types of content:
(iii)  harming the honor or the interests of the nation;
(vi)  spreading rumors, disturbing social order, disrupting social stability.

Measures for the Administration of Telecommunication Business Licenses (2001)


Appendix 2 (III)(iv):  No operators or their employees shall utilize telecommunication networks to produce, copy, promulgate or transmit any information containing the following types of content:
3.  harming the honor or the interests of the nation;
6.  spreading rumors, disturbing social order or disrupting social stability.

Regulations on the Administration of Publishing (2001)


Article 26:   No publication may contain the following types of contents:
(iii)  harming the honor or the interests of the nation;
(vi)  disturbing social order, disrupting social stability.

Notice Regarding Further Strengthening the Administration of Periodicals Relating to Current Affairs and Politics, General Lifestyle, Information Tabloids and Scientific Theory (2000)


2.  It is strictly prohibited for publications to include any of the following contents:
(1)  gainsaying the leadership of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory;
(3) . . . jeopardizing the interests of the nation;
(4) . . . influencing social stability;
(5) . . . propagating superstition, pseudo-science or incorrect teachings.
(6)  spreading rumors, producing and distributing false news, interfering in the broader work of the party or the nation;
(7)  otherwise violating the propaganda discipline of the party or violating the regulations administering the nation's publishing.

Notice Regarding the Further Strengthening the Administration of Selection of Articles for Newspapers and Periodicals (2000)


1. . . . .  [Newspapers and periodicals] shall not select articles that contradict the guiding policies of the Party and the nation. . . .

Provisions on the Administration of Internet Electronic Bulletin Services (2000)


Article 9:  No person may issue any information having the following types of content on an electronic bulletin service:
(iii)  harming the honor or the interests of the nation;
(vi)  spreading rumors, disturbing social order or disrupting social stability.

Notice Regarding the Work of Bringing the Periodical Industry Under Control (1997)


2(6): In any of the following circumstances where administrative measures have been adopted but there has been no clear improvement, publication should be ceased:
(1)  Articles have been carried which have severe political errors;

Provisions on the Administration of Electronic Publications (1997)


Article 6:  No electronic publications may contain the following types of content:
(iii)  jeopardizing the nation's . . . honor or interests.

Measures on the Administration of Safeguarding the Safety of Internationally Networked Computer Information Networks (1997)


Article 5:  No unit or individual may utilize the Internet to produce, copy, look up or transmit any of the following categories of information:
(v)  spreading rumors or disrupting social order;
(viii)  harming the credibility of a government agency.