Press Releases

Mar 23, 2016

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Corrine Brown

In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 1 O(a)(2) and 18, the Committee on Ethics (Committee) unanimously voted on March 16, 2016, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee. Pursuant to the Committee's action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Corrine Brown violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of her duties or the discharge of her responsibilities, with respect to allegations that she engaged in improper conduct relating to certain outside organizations, including allegations that she may have conspired with other persons in connection with fraudulent activity, improperly solicited charitable donations, used campaign funds for personal purposes, used official resources for impermissible non-official purposes, failed to comply with tax laws, and made false statements, and/or failed to make required disclosures, to the House of Representatives and Federal Election Commission.

Feb 22, 2016

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Alan Grayson

Pursuant to House Rule XI, clause 3(b )(8)(A), and Committee Rules 17 A(b )(1 )(A) and 17 A( c )(1 ), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics have jointly decided to extend the matter regarding Representative Alan Grayson, which was transmitted to the Committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics on January 6, 2016.

Dec 14, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Jared Polis

On December 14, 2015, the Committee released the attached Report regarding allegations relating to Representative Jared Polis.

Nov 19, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Robert Pittenger

In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 2(b), 10(a)(2), 16(e)(2), and 18(a-c), the Committee on Ethics (Committee) unanimously voted on November 18, 2015, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee. Pursuant to the Committee's action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Robert Pittenger violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities, with respect to allegations that he received compensation for his involvement with a fiduciary business, a real estate investment firm known as Pittenger Land Investments, Inc.

Sep 28, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Blake Farenthold

Pursuant to Committee Rule 7(g), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined on September 28, 2015, to release the following statement:

Sep 3, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Michael Honda

Pursuant to Committee Rule 7(g), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined on September 3, 2015, to release the following statement:

Aug 3, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Chaka Fattah

In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 10(a)(2) and 18(e)(2), the Committee on Ethics (Committee) unanimously voted on July 29, 2015, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee. Pursuant to the Committee’s action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Chaka Fattah violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities, with respect to allegations forming the basis for criminal charges of conspiracy, racketeering, bribery, fraud, falsification of records, making false statements, and money laundering, as filed against him in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on July 29, 2015.

Jul 31, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Officially-Connected Travel to Azerbaijan in 2013

The Committee on Ethics (Committee) has been reviewing allegations relating to officially-connected travel by Members and staff of the House to Azerbaijan in May 2013. Today the Committee filed a Report to the House announcing its conclusions. The Committee unanimously voted to adopt the attached Report and its findings. As described in the Report, the Committee found no evidence that the Members and staff who participated in the trip knowingly violated any House Rule, law, regulation, or other standard of conduct.

Jul 20, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Michael M. Honda

Pursuant to House Rule XI, clause 3(b)(8)(A), and Committee Rules 17A(b)(1)(A) and 17A(c)(1), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics have jointly decided to extend the matter regarding Representative Michael M. Honda, which was transmitted to the Committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics on June 5, 2015.

Jun 22, 2015

Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding the Matter of Allegations Related to Officially-Connected Travel to Azerbaijan

Pursuant to House Rule XI, clauses 3(b)(8)(A) and 3(r), and Committee Rules 17A(b)(1)(B), 17A(c)(1), and 17A(k)(1), the Committee has voted to extend its review of the matters regarding Representative Jim Bridenstine, Representative Yvette Clarke, Representative Danny Davis, Representative Rubén Hinojosa, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, Representative Leonard Lance, Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham, Representative Gregory Meeks, and Representative Ted Poe, which were transmitted to the Committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics on May 8, 2015.
