Grassley on Judge Kavanaugh on KTIV
Sen. Grassley on Voice of America
Chairman Chuck Grassley leads a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on pending judicial nominations including Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh.

Senator Chuck Grassley released the following statement regarding the partial shutdown of the federal government due to a lapse in funding for certain departments and agencies.

“We shouldn’t have to choose between keeping the government open and protecting our national borders. There’s no question that dangerous individuals, from drug traffickers to violent criminals, attempt to cross the border illegally every day. I support President Trump’s request for $5 billion to fund ...border security. Additional wall on specific parts of the border like we’ve already seen in Yuma, El Paso and San Diego would go a long way in stopping those dangerous individuals from entering the country. Congress should fully fund the Department of Homeland Security to make security improvements on the border, including more strategic walling and fencing, but also with the proper personnel and 21st century technology needed to do the job. I hope Democrats come to the table and work with congressional Republicans and President Trump to arrive at a reasonable resolution. There’s no reason we can’t keep the government open and protect our nation’s borders.

“In the meantime, Iowans should know that most of the federal government remains open. The military continues to defend our national security. The postal service continues to function. Essential services during the holidays such as airport security will also continue. My office will work with the Administration to determine how the partial shutdown might affect Iowans, and I’ll keep working with my colleagues to come to a resolution as soon as possible.”

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Senator Chuck Grassley joined WHO TV Channel 13 News this morning to discuss the passage of the First Step Act, Senator Grassley’s historic, bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation.

"The Senate decided overwhelmingly to wrap up debate and hold a final vote on the bipartisan First Step Act this week. Years of negotiations and input from colleagues, stakeholders, advocates and law enforcement have finally culminated in a broadly bipartisan bill that is backed by President Trump as well as lawmakers and organizations from across the political spectrum. I look forward to a lively debate. This is a unique opportunity to pass once-in-a-generation reforms and to score a victory for the country and for American justice,” Grassley said in a statement.

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