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Donald Trump's Attack on Seniors

Within the first 100 days of his Administration, President Donald Trump has taken several actions that are harmful to our nation's elderly. He has clearly declared war on our seniors, and Congresswoman Fudge is committed to fighting against these attacks.

TrumpCare's Age Tax

  • TrumpCare forces Americans aged 50-64 to pay an “age tax” – to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for health coverage, no matter how healthy they are. 
  • For example, a 60-year old in the individual market in Cuyahoga County would have to pay double the amount of premiums, or 25% of his/her total income, under TrumpCare

Trump Care's Weakening of Medicare

  • TrumpCare steals $175 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund, shortening the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years.  TrumpCare also ransacks funds that seniors depend on to get the long-term care they need.

Trump's Budget Blueprint Cuts Federal Feeding Program for Seniors

  • Trump’s proposed budget would slash funds for Meals on Wheels by eliminating the Community Development Block Grant program, which operates under the Department of Housing and Urban Development and covers the senior feeding program. 
  • Meals on Wheels is one of the oldest programs under the Community Development Block Grant program. It served over 219 million meals to 2.4 million seniors in 2016.

Click here to read Congresswoman Fudge's March 2017 statement on TrumpCare.

Click here to read Congresswoman Fudge's  statement on Trump's FY 2018 Budget Blueprint.