Jeannette Rankin for Congress Window Sticker

Jeannette Rankin for Congress Window Sticker/tiles/collection/2/21894.xml
Jeannette Rankin for Congress Window Sticker/tiles/collection/2/21893.xml

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Opening Day of the 65th Congress

This Hearst-Pathe News footage features the opening day of the 65th Congress (1917–1919) on April 2, 1917, as President Woodrow Wilson calls Congress into special session to ask for a declaration of war against Germany. Suffrage activists escort Representative-elect Jeannette Rankin of Montana from the Sewall-Belmont House to the nearby Capitol. Speaker of the House James Clark of Missouri and Minority Leader James Mann of Illinois pose outside the Capitol, as police corral pacifist protestors on the East Front.
Source: National Archives Records Administration