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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA


Caucus Memberships

Caucus, Coalition and Task Force Memberships
Since my election to Congress, I have joined a number of caucuses, coalitions and task forces that focus on some of the issues that I consider to be top priorities in the 7th District and around the country. Together with other like-minded Members of Congress, I have worked to bring about solutions to some of the most important issues facing our city and our nation. 
Some of my memberships are:
Congressional Black Caucus - The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization representing the African American members of the United States Congress. Its role is to positively influence the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation and achieve greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services.
Progressive Caucus - The Congressional Progressive Caucus was established in the U.S. House of Representatives in the early 1990s. It reflects the diversity and strength of the American people, and seeks to give voice to the needs and aspirations of all Americans and to build a more just and humane society.The Progressive Promise is rooted in four core principles:
1. Fighting for economic justice and security for all;
2. Protecting and preserving our civil rights and civil liberties;
3. Promoting global peace and security; and
4. Environmental Protection & Energy Independence 

New Democrat Coalition - Founded in 1997, the New Democrat Coalition is dedicated to maintaining America's standing as the world's strongest, most successful nation. A fiscally-responsible, moderate bloc of lawmakers dedicated to policies that foster American success, the New Democrat Coalition is a vehicle for the millions of Americans who feel unrepresented in today's broken political process. 
LGBT Equality Caucus - The Equality Caucus serves as a resource for Members of Congress, their staff, and the public on LGBT issues at the federal level. The Caucus works toward the extension of equal rights, the repeal of discriminatory laws, the elimination of hate-motivated violence, and the improved health and well-being for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.


Future Caucus - The Congressional Future Caucus is our nation's first and only caucus for young members of Congress (approximately under the age of 45). These members come together across partisan lines to creatively and pragmatically forge nonpartisan common ground on issues facing America's next generation, such as enhancing American competitiveness and innovation.

Higher Education Caucus - In 2012, I founded the Higher Education Caucus to create a platform for open, bi-partisan discussion of challenges in higher education and how Congress can more effectively further the educational goals of students across the country.