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My goal is to change the course of our economy and bring sustainable growth to Ohio. This includes a strong focus on infrastructure investment, resources for small businesses, and training workers for the jobs of the future.  We can regain our economic momentum and vitality by fostering an environment that encourages job growth for the unemployed and underemployed.  It is critical that our working men and women are put on a long-term path to prosperity for their families and local communities.

Job Creation

I constantly look for opportunities to create and keep jobs in the 11th District, including:

  • Working with Governor Kasich’s office to request a waiver from the Ohio Department of Transportation to implement a pilot project that is designed to increase minority business participation in upcoming projects in Cleveland.
  • Working with the Greater Cleveland Partnership to secure New Market Tax Credit funding that has helped finance redevelopment of Downtown Cleveland and Tremont Development Projects – putting hundreds back to work, and improving neglected neighborhoods.
  • Assisting in removing Cuyahoga County Air Traffic Control Tower from the closure list, and maintaining operations.
  • Helping advance federal implementation and procedures at the Cleveland Port Authority for a new direct international service with the Port of Antwerp, resulting in the creation of an additional 100 jobs.  

Job Training

Despite the recession, all leaders must fight for sustainable jobs in growing industries and many Ohioans must be retrained and reintegrated into sectors such as healthcare, aerospace, biotech, clean energy industries, and transportation infrastructure where employment opportunities are expanding.  Every time I consider a labor measure, I first ask myself if there are significant training dollars in the bill to help Ohioans return to work.

Small Businesses

Our small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, and are integral to America’s economic recovery.  Yet, without consumer demand, our small businesses will not be able to flourish, which is why a strong middle class is so important.  We must ensure the viability of these businesses.  I will continue to fight for access to better credit sources for new and existing companies. Click here to learn more about my efforts to support small businesses.


The recession created a sluggish economy with high unemployment and stagnant wages, and some in the new Congress have sought to cut taxes for the largest corporations, wealthy oil companies and the richest two percent of the population. This is not what has proven to grow our economy.  Supporting Ohio’s small businesses and providing the career training to our workers that expand opportunities for upward mobility is what works.

Wage Equality

I am also focused on closing the wage gap that has been an ongoing struggle for wage earning women. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the female-to-male earnings ratio has not changed significantly since 2007.  Women in Ohio who work full time earn 83 percent of that earned by men working full time.  This wage discrimination hinders our economy as women increasingly become the breadwinners in their families.