Protecting Our Environment

Energy and the Environment
President Trump’s Decision to Withdraw the U.S. From the Paris Climate Agreement Makes America Less Safe, and puts our environment, economy, and public health at risk.

Democrats strongly believe in our responsibility to serve as stewards of our environment and public lands for current and future generations. Instead of working with Democrats, Republicans in Congress have focused relentlessly on rolling back environmental and public health protections. Since the beginning of the 115th Congress, Republicans have voted to undermine clean air protections, take away protections that keep drinking water sources safe, shut down public lands, and allow the inhumane killing of animals on wildlife refuges.

In addition to actions taken by Republicans in Congress, President Trump announced earlier this year that he is withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Accords – an agreement signed by almost 200 countries that will work to combat climate change. This decision is an abdication of American leadership and undermines our national security and America’s credibility.  Already, countries like China are stepping up to replace American leadership on climate change.  

Despite President Trump’s misguided decision, Democrats remain committed to protecting our planet for future generations and advocating for policies that address climate change and invest in our nation’s clean energy future while spurring job creation and economic growth.

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Today's farm bill vote shows how deeply divided House Republicans continue to be
Just another day in the deeply divided and dysfunctional GOP Majority:
Add AARP to the growing list of organizations opposed to Republicans’ partisan Farm Bill. Through its extensive cuts to nutrition assistance, the GOP Farm Bill will put millions of seniors at risk of going hungry. Take a look at what AARP has to say here or see excerpts below:
Republicans could have worked with Democrats on a bipartisan Farm Bill, but instead they are doing what they do best: fighting over an unpopular, controversial bill that no one on their side of the aisle likes.