
Appropriations Committee Approves Fiscal Year 2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Funding Bill

The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bill on a vote of 31-20. The legislation includes funding for the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other related agencies.

In total, the bill reflects an allocation of $56.5 billion in discretionary spending – $1.1 billion below fiscal year 2017 and $8.6 billion above the request. This funding is targeted to essential investments in transportation infrastructure investments, as well as fundamental community development and housing programs. 

“Now more than ever, it is critical to our economy and to our quality of life to have safe and well-functioning transportation infrastructure. This bill makes investments in essential highway, air, rail, and maritime programs that will keep our people and our goods moving efficiently,” Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen said. “In addition, it includes responsible funding to ensure communities across the nation have access to necessary community development funds, and to provide housing to those who need it the most – including the poor, elderly, and disabled.”

“I am pleased to introduce this critical legislation that will keep our housing and transportation programs efficient, while making the most of taxpayer dollars. The bill provides for infrastructure improvement and safety, as well as essential housing programs that are serving needy populations. I look forward to working with Chairman Frelinghuysen and Ranking Member Price to keep Americans moving and to provide for vulnerable communities across our country,” Subcommittee Chairman Mario Diaz-Balart said.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted by the full committee today:

Rep. Diaz-Balart – The manager’s amendment makes technical and noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

The bill was approved by the Committee on a vote of 31-20.

For a summary of the bill, please visit:

For the text of the bill, please visit:

For the text of the report, please visit: