
Appropriations Committee Approves the Fiscal Year 2018 Agriculture Appropriations Bill

The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2018 Agriculture Appropriations bill on a voice vote. The legislation funds important agricultural and food programs and services, including food and medical product safety, animal and plant health programs, rural development and farm services, agricultural trade, financial marketplace oversight, and nutrition programs.

The bill totals $20 billion in discretionary funding, which is $876 million lower than the fiscal year 2017 enacted level and $4.64 billion above the President’s budget request. The legislation prioritizes this funding in programs for rural communities, farmers, ranchers, food and drug safety, and nutrition for those in need. In addition, the bill contains several policy provisions to rein in unnecessary and burdensome regulations that harm U.S. food producers and that impede growth in important U.S. industries. 

“The safety and accessibility of our nation’s food and drug supply is of utmost importance to our economy, our quality of life, and – given the great benefit of producing necessities here at home – our national security,” House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen said. “This bill prioritizes funding on federal programs that support these critical industries and the farmers, ranchers, medical professionals, and many others that form the backbone of our food and drug supply – which is the best in the world.”

“This Appropriations bill reflects the will of our Members. I invited colleagues last week to let me know their priorities for the Agriculture, FDA and other titles in the bill. I am grateful that a number of people came forward to let us help with issues important to farmers, ranchers and the people who make rural America the heartland of America. I am pleased to say that we were able to accommodate these Member requests within the bill and look forward to moving a conservative bill through the legislative process,” Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman Robert Aderholt said.

The following amendments to the FY 2018 Agriculture Appropriations bill were adopted by the full committee today:

Rep. Aderholt – The amendment makes technical and noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.  

Rep. Womack – The amendment would require robust cost-benefit analysis by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and provide clarification regarding inter-affiliate swap transactions. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote. 

Rep. Newhouse – The amendment adds bill and report language to enable legal migrant farm workers to utilize certain farm labor housing. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote. 

The bill was adopted on a voice vote.

For a summary of the bill, please visit:

For the text of the bill, please visit:

For the bill report, please visit: