
House Again Passes Bill to Fund the Department of Defense

Washington, January 30, 2018 -

The House of Representatives today re-passed legislation to fund the Department of Defense for the 2018 Fiscal Year. The bill, which was introduced and passed in the House twice since July 2017, has not been acted on by the Senate.

Chairwoman Kay Granger, the Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and the sponsor of the bill, made the following statement:

“It is past time that this essential, must-pass funding bill for our military be enacted into law. This bill gives our military leaders the sufficient, sustainable, and stable funding they have told us – over and over again – that they need.

“Congress must act responsibly and do its job to quickly get these dollars out the door and where they are needed as soon as possible.”

Full Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen also commented on the bill:

“Every passing day of reduced military funding levels creates an ever-increasing risk for our men and women on the front lines. We should not ask them to continue to do more with less.

“This full-year defense appropriations bill must be enacted now to begin the rebuilding of our Armed Forces in order to ensure the effectiveness and safety of our troops. The safety and security of our nation and peace and stability around the globe depend on it.”
