
Legislation Passed to Continue Government Operations and End the Shutdown

Washington, January 22, 2018 -

Congress has approved legislation to extend funding for federal operations and end the government shutdown. The Continuing Resolution (CR) is a stopgap measure that will maintain government funding through February 8, 2018.

In addition to continuing government funding and ending the shutdown, the bill includes language to extend the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years, a provision that allows the Department of Defense to provide funding for “Missile Defeat and Defense Enhancements” activities, and extensions of several health care-related tax provisions.

Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the following statement on the legislation:

“This legislation extends government funding through February 8, 2018 – ending this dangerous government shutdown. This legislation will allow time for Congress and the White House to continue to negotiate a longer term funding agreement, while maintaining essential government programs and services.

“The Appropriations Committee and the House passed all 12 Fiscal Year 2018 Appropriations bills in September of 2017, and more recently have passed other critical measures such as funding for emergency disaster relief. The Senate has not. In order to negotiate and finally enact this essential legislation, there must be a bipartisan agreement between the House, Senate, and White House on year-long funding levels. It is the Constitutional duty of Congress to provide resources for the needs of our nation, including our Armed Forces. My Committee stands at the ready to fulfill this responsibility, and will work as quickly as possible to complete these funding bills as soon as the overall agreement is reached.”
