Langevin Recognized for Protecting National Parks

Jul 18, 2013 Issues: Energy & Environment

Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) has been honored with the Friend of the National Parks Award from the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) for his contribution to protecting and enhancing America’s national parks. The award was presented to 157 representatives currently serving in the 113th Congress for their support of legislation during the 112th Congress that upheld the standards and integrity of the National Park System.

“It is such an honor to be awarded the Friend of the National Parks Award again this year,” said Langevin, a four-time recipient of the award. “We must preserve our natural resources for generations to come, and the National Parks Conservation Association has been a leader in this area. I thank them for educating members of Congress and the general public about issues surrounding parks preservation.”

“We are grateful that our members of Congress have demonstrated a solid commitment to preserving America’s national parks,” said NPCA Acting President Theresa Pierno. “As the National Park Service approaches its centennial in 2016, support from our members of Congress is essential to ensure places like Yellowstone, Gettysburg and the Everglades are preserved and protected for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.”

NPCA’s “Friend of the National Parks Award” was established in 1999 to track and publicize congressional members’ votes on significant park issues. This year, NPCA compiled votes for seven national park-related bills in the House. To receive the award, representatives had to vote correctly at least four out of seven times.

“Not only do our national parks highlight the natural beauty of America, but they also serve as important tourist destinations, attracting visitors near and far and infusing money into our economy,” Langevin continued. “I look forward to continuing my strong support of these national treasures.”

To view a complete list of the 157 representatives who received NPCA’s award, and a list of the national parks-related bills, visit: