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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA


Veterans History Project

Veterans History Project

We owe an enormous debt to our men and women in uniform. A great way to show our gratitude is to encourage them to share their memories and experiences. This is why my office is participating in the Veterans History Project (VHP). The VHP allows veterans and their families to record their stories and preserve them for future generations. These recordings are entered into the permanent collection in the Library of Congress, where they will serve as a permanent reminder of the sacrifices these men and women made defending our country. You can search the database where more than 80,000 stories have been collected. Over 10,000 of those stories have also been digitized and are accessible online.

The Project collects first-hand accounts of U.S. Veterans from the following wars:

  • World War I (1914-1920)
  • World War II (1939-1946)
  • Korean War (1950-1955)
  • Vietnam War (1961-1975)
  • Persian Gulf War (1990-1995)
  • Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts (2001-present)

In addition, those U.S. citizen civilians who were actively involved in supporting war efforts (such as war industry workers, USO workers, flight instructors, medical volunteers, etc.) are also invited to share their valuable stories.

The Veterans History Project has collected nearly 80,000 stories and testimonials to date but there are more stories to be told. I urge you to take the time to not only thank our veterans and remember our country’s fallen soldiers, but also to ask the veterans in your life to record their stories. They serve as the most significant memorial we can possibly give to our nation’s fallen and living veterans.

If you are interested in learning more or sharing your story, please contact my veterans caseworker, Heather Harvey