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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA


Food and Nutrition

As a Member of Congress, I consider it one of my top priorities to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens do not go hungry. This means standing up for food and nutrition programs that assist millions of low- and middle-income families, which many in Congress continually attempt to cut. Given the rising cost of food and pervasive unemployment, I will work to protect affordable food for low-income seniors and children throughout the State of Indiana.

Protecting Children from Going Hungry 

Across the country, millions of children receive their only nutritious meals at school, through school breakfast and lunch programs.  In an effort to help these children obtain the nutrition they need to be healthy, active and successful, I have supported several pieces of legislation that expand funding for these and other programs that provide healthier meals to low-income children.  These investments in child nutrition are especially important given evidence that hunger can be an enormous barrier to learning.   I will continue to support legislation that helps schools, non-profits and other entities to provide nutritious meals to children.  

Improving Access to Nutritious Foods

Access to nutritious food should be a necessity not a luxury. But today, too many people across Indianapolis and our country are struggling to find the healthy food they need. More and more supermarkets are closing their doors and public transportation is often located a mile or more away. That is why I introduced the Food Deserts Act in Congress. This bill creates new avenues to fund stores in underserved communities by facilitating low interest loans for new and existing grocery stores in food deserts. The bill ensures that recipients of these loans will use them to provide affordable, healthy food, like fresh produce, milk, bread, and meat.

Access to healthy food is something many of us take for granted. But, despite our own experiences, we must remember that millions of Americans are struggling every day to feed their families.

I hope to strengthen existing federal programs around this growing issue and create access to food for communities in need because I believe that all Americans deserve access to the nutritious food.

Encouraging Physical Fitness

Today, obesity rates are dangerously high and continue to rise, with over 30% of adults and 17% of children considered obese.  Studies have shown that obesity results in rising health care costs for many families, reduced productivity at work and less effective learning at school. Promotion of exercise and physical activity has never been a more important public policy.

I have been a strong supporter of fomer First Lady Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to encourage exercise among young people and continue to advocate in Congress for legislation that promotes scientifically based physical fitness guidelines for all Americans. Physical fitness and exercise are critical to the health and well-being of all Americans, making it among my top priorities in Congress.



More on Food and Nutrition

Sep 25, 2012

September 25, 2012

Congressman Carson Seeks to Expand Year-round Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson this week proposed the creation of a new grant program aimed at improving access to locally grown fruit and vegetables for low-income families.

Jun 16, 2011

June 16, 2011           

carson opposes cuts to food programs

Agriculture appropriations bill slashes assistance for food, nutrition

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 217-203 to cut the funds budgeted for food assistance for women, children, and low-income Americans by $650 million.  Congressman André Carson voted against the cuts.

May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

New website and community support will connect families to vital resources

INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson, Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, and representatives from the Child Hunger Initiative today announced "Summer Servings," a program that provides free meals to Indianapolis youth in an effort to fight child hunger in the Indianapolis area.

May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011            

Carson announces summer servings effort to fight child hunger

Mayor, Child Hunger Initiative representatives will join in unveiling of program


Dec 2, 2010

December 2, 2010

Carson votes for bill to make significant improvements to child nutrition programs

WASHINGTON D.C. - In an effort to help children gain the nutrition they need to be healthy and successful, Congressman André Carson today voted to approve the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The legislation will provide healthier meals to 31 million children with over $300 million being sent to states - including $7.8 million to Indiana - to improve the nutritional quality of meals served in schools.

Nov 17, 2008

Washington, D.C. – “With our country experiencing its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and with food prices rising at astonishingly high rates, many working Americans are struggling to put food on their tables and make ends meet.