Michael BennetCont verificat


U.S. Senator for Colorado

S-a alăturat în decembrie 2010
Născut la 28 noiembrie 1964


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  1. a redistribuit
    26 dec.

    In an opinion piece, writes: Growing hemp means growing economic opportunity in rural Colorado

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  2. 26 dec.

    Children should never be held in conditions like these. We must change the incentives for those parents who take such enormous risks to escape extraordinary danger in their home countries. We also need an immigration system that reflects our values.

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  3. 26 dec.

    The government is shut down over a “border wall.” Another migrant child died in custody on Christmas. And millions of Dreamers, farmers, & business owners are uncertain of their futures. We need a new path forward to reform our immigration system.

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  4. 22 dec.

    Keeping the government open should not depend on the President’s demand for U.S. taxpayers to fund an ineffective and wasteful border wall. The onus falls on to keep the government running, but it’s the American people that will pay the price.

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  5. 21 dec.

    The President is willing and “proud” to shut down the government over an ineffective border wall, and the American people pay the price. We want a secure border. We don’t want ’s invented political issue. Full interview with :

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  6. 21 dec.

    We don’t need the nuclear option to secure the border. We need leadership that uses facts to forge consensus.

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  7. 21 dec.

    That $46.3 billion was for agents, technology, & 350 miles of fence—what experts agreed was the intelligent way to secure our border. It was double what wants for his ineffective wall. Plus we modernized our visa system & created a path to citizenship for 11M ppl

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  8. 21 dec.

    In 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill, with 68 votes, that provided $46.3 billion in border security. People seeking to immigrate legally—not American taxpayers—would have paid for this through new application fees.

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  9. 20 dec.

    His resignation letter is a poignant testament to enduring American values and alliances. We must preserve both.

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  10. 20 dec.

    Throughout his distinguished career, Secretary Mattis served our country honorably. Senators from both sides of the aisle, including myself, took some solace in his presence in the Trump administration.

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  11. 20 dec.

    Today signed the five-year we wrote in the Ag Committee to bring certainty to farmers & ranchers. We said we’d get this bill done by the end of the year, and thanks to the hard work of Coloradans, we did.

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  12. 20 dec.

    We cannot forget that thousands of migrant children remain in U.S. custody. They fled violence and corruption in their home communities seeking a better life. The administration must move them quickly out of custody and into safe and healthy homes.

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  13. 20 dec.

    Instead of making life harder for families in poverty, how about a work requirement for this president?

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  14. 20 dec.

    Coloradans deserve a Congress responsive to their priorities, but Washington has failed to pass significant public lands legislation for years. We must pass a package that includes & new wilderness/recreation designations in Colorado, including the San Juan Wilderness bill.

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  15. 20 dec.

    We continue to set a terrible example for how we govern ourselves in a democracy. Our disagreements should not be excuses for gridlock, but invitations to solve problems. That’s the standard set by generations who came before us. We should learn from their example.

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  16. 20 dec.

    A choice between shutting down our government over a border wall or passing another short-term budget is typical Washington.

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  17. 19 dec.

    Every child deserves a healthy start in life, and this law will increase those odds for babies at risk of premature birth. Great working with to reauthorize & provide more research, education & treatment to support expectant mothers and their children.

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  18. 19 dec.

    The is a principled compromise many years overdue—the first step in a longer effort to reduce mass incarceration and restore faith in our criminal justice system.

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  19. 19 dec.

    Colorado has been asking for the San Juan Wilderness bill for a decade. With end-of-year negotiations underway, now is the time to move it across the finish line.

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  20. 17 dec.

    Glad to see the world is making progress to uphold the Paris Agreement and fight , despite efforts from to abandon it.

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