Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva: Better Know A Member
Ranking Member Grijalva addressed a crowd of Veterans standing...
To respond to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s controversial decision to remove endangered species protections for grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Ranking Member Raul M. Grijalva held a press conference today to introduce the Tribal Heritage and Grizzly Bear Protection Act (H.R. 3894). The bill ensures that grizzly bears would be permanently protected for their ecological and cultural value and guarantees Tribes have a role in conserving and managing the species. Learn more about the bill:

A major new Washington Post interview with Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva, who understands that the Interior Department under President Trump “has strayed from its mission to administer public lands for several uses — giving Americans spots to recreate outdoors, harvest timber and graze cattle while preserving natural and historic resources — to one that focuses too narrowly on one of those services: extraction.” #ClimateChange hearings are coming in February. Learn more about next year’s agenda at the link, and please share it with outdoors supporters you know.|By Dino Grandoni
“It's a culture now that we're investigating,” incoming House Natural Resources Chair Grijalva said of Interior.

#Publiclands all over the country - like Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in #Arizona - are closed today, and employees are home without pay. This is not what Teddy Roosevelt had in mind. #TrumpShutdown

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