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Subcommittee on Energy

To view the official roster of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, click here. The Full Committee Chair and Ranking Minority Member shall serve as ex-officio members of all subcommittees.

Republican Members (11)
Randy Weber, Texas, Chair
Dana Rohrabacher, California
Frank Lucas, Oklahoma
Mo Brooks, Alabama
Randy Hultgren, Illinois
Gary Palmer , Alabama 
Steve Knight, California, Vice Chair
Daniel Webster, Florida
Neal Dunn, Florida
Ralph Norman, South Carolina
Michael Cloud, Texas 
Democrat Members (8)
Marc Veasey, Texas, Ranking Member
Zoe Lofgren, California
Daniel Lipinski, Illinois
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Jerry McNerney, California
Paul Tonko, New York
Bill Foster, Illinois
Mark Takano, California
The Subcommittee on Energy shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters: all matters relating to energy research, development, and demonstration projects therefor; commercial application of energy technology; Department of Energy research, development, and demonstration programs; Department of Energy laboratories; Department of Energy science activities; energy supply activities; nuclear, solar, and renewable energy, and other advanced energy technologies; uranium supply and enrichment, and Department of Energy waste management; fossil energy research and development; clean coal technology; energy conservation research and development, including building performance, alternate fuels, distributed power systems, and industrial process improvements; pipeline research, development, and demonstration projects; energy standards; other appropriate matters as referred by the Chairman; and relevant oversight.