Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness

The Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness (ICHH) was convened by Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito in October of 2015. The ICHH is co- chaired by Secretary Sudders and Secretary Ash and consists of Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and Commissioners of the executive branch of state government.

Contact Us

interagency council on housing and homelessness


Linn Torto, Executive Director

Who we serve

The mission of the ICHH is to provide the forum where new strategies in support of affordable housing development and to address the issues of homelessness among all populations are formulated. These new strategies will enhance the coordination and prioritization of housing resources and services of all types in support of vulnerable populations in the Commonwealth. The ICHH seeks to align the work of all state agencies in affirming the priorities of the Administration with substantive initiatives and progress in the development of permanent affordable housing supported by appropriate services which promote health, safety, well–being and self-determination for the citizens of the Commonwealth.

The ICHH includes five committees comprised of members from:

  • Executive Office of Health and Human Services agencies
  • Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
  • Department of Housing and Community Development
  • MassHousing
  • Mass Housing Partnership
  • Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Education
  • Corrections
  • Early Education and Care
  • Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation

The ICHH meets quarterly and meetings are open to public. The sub-population committees are broadly represented by state agencies, advocates, providers, consumers and other stakeholders.

The ICHH Committee on Housing and Services for Persons with Disabilities has taken on a new role as the Olmstead Planning Committee for the next several months as the Commonwealth undertakes the task of creating an updated Olmstead Plan to replace the Community First plan which was published in in 2008. The Olmstead Planning Committee has initiated a broad based stakeholder engagement process to include statewide listening sessions, engagement with advocates, providers and consumers, an Advisory Council and an online opportunity to share information and make recommendations to the Olmstead Planning Committee. The plan is expected to be published in the Spring of 2018.

Please visit the Olmstead Planning Committee web site for additional information:

In addition, there is an ICHH Advisory Committee which also meets quarterly and is made up of agencies, providers, advocates, consumers and other stakeholders. Members of the public, legislature and their staff are welcome to join these meetings.

Recent news & announcements from Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness

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