Colleen Hanabusaसत्यापित खाता


Proudly Representing Hawaii's First Congressional District

Washington, D.C.
जनवरी 2011 पर शामिल हुए


  1. 14 दिस॰

    In the past year since the FCC’s unfortunate repeal, we know that ISPs have throttled internet access - even in emergency situations like the California wildfires. We must reach a bipartisan agreement to restore

  2. 13 दिस॰

    Thank you, to my colleagues for this special recognition! It has been an honor and my sincere privilege to serve with all of you.Cannon House Office Building पर

  3. 5 दिस॰

    We enjoyed talking story about “The Politics of National Defense: The Hill, the public, the options” this afternoon. Thank you for hosting this important discussion about our national security and defense.

  4. 1 दिस॰

    Annual costs due to could exceed $100 BILLION in the energy, agriculture and health sectors by the end of the century. The administration buried their findings last week jeopardizing the health and finances of the American people.

  5. 30 नव॰

    The , a report by 13 federal agencies including , and states: “Future impacts and risks from are directly tied to decisions made in the present.” It’s long past time to .

  6. 24 नव॰

    Only a few more weeks to or find a new health care plan. Consider all the options on

  7. 23 नव॰

    Souza and me are so thankful for our family and friends. Mahalo, to my staff, past and present, and everyone who has shared their love and Aloha with us, through the years. We are humbled and honored to have your support.

  8. 20 नव॰

    More than 62 million women have no-copay birth control coverage thanks to the ACA. Maternity care, mammograms & cancer screenings can break the bank without health insurance. with affordable healthcare and save on these essential services.

  9. 17 नव॰

    Honored to wear the purple ribbon and stand in strong support of all pancreatic cancer patients and their families. 🙏🏾

  10. 15 नव॰

    Thank you, for honoring our work on behalf of the Mahalo, to all the brave men and women who put on the uniform and serve our great nation. 🙏🏾🇺🇸

  11. 7 नव॰

    It was an honor to help celebrate 90 years of Cooperative Extension Service and 100 years of Hawaii Youth at the Ala Moana Hotel this morning. Thank you, for everything you do for tropical agriculture and youth development.

  12. 27 अक्तू॰

    Honored to participate in a panel this evening discussing the work and times of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Mahalo for the great conversation!

  13. 25 अक्तू॰

    Thank you, and Pastor Rojo for meeting with our office and sharing your inspiring message of peace and unity. Rev. Tom Demaree has brought his message to 419 of the 435 House offices so far and is now off to Illinois. Safe travels!

  14. 15 अक्तू॰

    We enjoyed spending time with the members of the Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers at their 2018 Fall convention. Important discussions about the future of organized labor and the impact of Trump’s tariffs, tax cuts and trade deals. Mahalo for all the work you do!

  15. 12 अक्तू॰

    Today marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Matthew Shepard. We continue to fight to prevent hate crimes and advance equality for all LGBTQ Americans.

  16. 9 अक्तू॰

    Mahalo to the for the opportunity to talk story with your members and guests this morning and for everything you do for the Native Hawaiian community.Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki and Golf Club पर

  17. 29 सित॰

    It was an honor to participate in the Aloha Festivals Floral Parade this morning. Mahalo to the organizers and volunteers for putting together a great event. The theme, No Ke Kai Kākou Ē, “We are of the sea,” celebrates our communities’ unique bond and respect for the ocean.

  18. 28 सित॰

    Proud to stand with my colleagues to support Dr. Ford and women everywhere. is facing serious allegations of misconduct and touts an extreme right wing ideology that opposes too many of the rights we fought so hard to earn.

  19. 20 सित॰

    Mahalo to the students and faculty for the opportunity to talk story with the members of the Governmental Internship program. Congratulations and mahalo for your commitment to public service!

  20. 18 सित॰

    We had a great morning at the ILWU Local 142, 28th Statewide Convention. Mahalo for the opportunity to talk story with all of the members.

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