Summary: H.R.2521 — 102nd Congress (1991-1992)All Information (Except Text)

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Conference report filed in House (11/18/1991)

Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1992 - Title I: Military Personnel - Appropriates funds for FY 1992 for military and reserve personnel in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force and for National Guard personnel in the Army and Air Force.

Title II: Operation and Maintenance - Appropriates funds for FY 1992 for the operation and maintenance of the Army, (including a transfer of funds), Navy (including rescissions), Marine Corps, Air Force, the defense agencies (including a transfer of funds), the respective reserve components, and the Army and Air National Guards. Appropriates funds for the Army's National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, the Court of Military Appeals, environmental restoration (including a transfer of funds), humanitarian assistance, for support and services for the World University Games, for support and services for the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and for real property maintenance, defense.

Title III: Procurement - Appropriates funds for FY 1992 for the procurement by the Army of aircraft, missiles, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, and ammunition and for other procurement.

Appropriates funds to the Navy for the procurement of aircraft (including a transfer of funds), weapons, and shipbuilding and conversion and for other procurement.

Appropriates funds for Marine Corps procurement.

Appropriates funds for procurement by the Air Force of aircraft and missiles and for other procurement.

Appropriates funds for: (1) National Guard and Reserve equipment; and (2) procurement by the defense agencies.

Title IV: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - Appropriates funds for FY 1992 for research, development, test, and evaluation by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and defense agencies. Appropriates funds for the expenses of the Deputy Director of Defense Research and Engineering (Test and Evaluation) and the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation.

Title V: Defense Business Operations Fund - Appropriates funds for the Defense Business Operations Fund.

Title VI: Other Department of Defense Programs - Appropriates funds for: (1) the destruction of lethal chemical agents and munitions; (2) drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, defense (including transfers of funds); and (3) expenses and activities of the Office of the Inspector General for carrying out the Inspector General Act of 1978.

Title VII: Related Agencies - Appropriates funds for: (1) the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund; and (2) the Intelligence Community Staff.

Earmarks specified funds appropriated in this Act for the National Security Education Trust Fund for FY 1992.

Title VIII: General Provisions - Prohibits the use of appropriations for unauthorized publicity or propaganda.

Exempts during FY 1992 Department of Defense (DOD) personnel from provisions of law prohibiting the employment of non-U.S. citizens.

Provides that no part of any appropriation contained in this Act may remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year, unless expressly so provided.

Prohibits the obligation of more than 20 percent of the funds appropriated by this Act during the last two months of the fiscal year, except as specified.

Prohibits the use of appropriations for the procurement of any food, clothing, specified cloth (including cotton, silk, and wool) or synthetic fabrics, or specified metals not grown, produced, or processed within the United States, with specified exceptions.

Authorizes the Secretary of Defense, in the national interest and with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to transfer and merge specified working capital funds. Directs the Secretary to notify the Congress of all such transfers. Limits the cash balances which may be maintained in such funds.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for: (1) the purchase of coal or coke from foreign nations for use at U.S. defense facilities when U.S. coal is available; and (2) heating plant fuel conversion at defense facilities in Europe.

Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to implement agreements for required heating facility modernization in the Kaiserslautern Military Community in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for: (1) the initiation of a special access program without prior notification to the appropriations and armed services committees; (2) the preparation of a request to the appropriations committees for a reprogramming of funds, except as specified; (3) certain claims for physician or provider reimbursement for medical services provided under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) in excess of those allowed for FY 1991; (4) programs of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) beyond FY 1992, with a specified exception; (5) initiating a multiyear contract that employs economic order quantity procurement in excess of specified amounts, unless proper congressional notification is given; (6) any intelligence or special activity different from an activity previously justified to the Congress unless the Secretary has notified the appropriations committees of the intent to make such funds available for such activity; or (7) converting certain military technician positions to positions to be held by persons in active Guard or Reserve status if such conversion would reduce the number of military technicians below a specified amount.

Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act to include civilian military technicians in any administratively imposed freeze on civilian positions.

Treats governments of Indian tribes as State and local governments for purposes of the disposition of real property recommended for closure by various commissions on base closure and realignment and by public law.

Eliminates during FY 1992 the requirement that the Congress must authorize by law the end-strengths for civilian personnel in DOD. Prohibits setting any end-strength limitations for such personnel during FY 1992.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for: (1) congressional lobbying; and (2) the pay of certain nonmilitary Army Reserve technicians.

Makes funds from this Act available to DOD for purchasing and storing petroleum products in Israel in order to meet emergency and other military needs of the United States, with specified conditions.

Terminates the Army Central Hospital Fund and transfers amounts in such Fund for the operation and maintenance of "Fisher Houses" near Army medical treatment facilities.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for the floating storage of petroleum products in non-U.S. vessels.

Permits the appropriation of funds for humanitarian and civic assistance costs incident to authorized operations of the armed forces.

Authorizes the Secretaries of the Army and the Air Force to retain in active status until age 60 certain officers who need such status in order to maintain employment as a National Guard or Reserve technician.

Permits the use of operation and maintenance funds provided under this Act for studies and demonstration projects relating to the delivery of military health and medical care.

Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act to make contributions to the Department of Defense Education Benefits Fund for educational assistance for a member of the armed forces who enlists for less than three years or receives an enlistment bonus.

Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act for the basic pay and allowances of a member of the Army participating as a full-time student and receiving benefits through the Secretary of Veterans Affairs when time spent as a full-time student is credited toward completion of a service commitment.

Limits the availability of appropriations to specified percentages of postsecondary educational costs for off-duty training of military personnel.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for conversion to contractor performance of an activity or function of DOD that is currently performed by more than ten civilian DOD employees until a cost-analysis on such performance is completed and certified to the appropriations committees.

Prohibits the use of funds for the procurement of 120mm mortars or ammunition for such mortars if manufactured outside the United States.

Repeals a provision of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1991 which directs the President to acquire over a ten-year period from domestic sources a specified amount of depleted uranium to be held in the National Defense Stockpile.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for the payment of salaries of any persons who authorize the transfer of unobligated or deobligated funds into the Reserve for Contingencies of the CIA.

Requires funds appropriated under this Act for CIA construction projects to remain available until expended.

Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to use specified funds to charter ships for use as auxiliary minesweepers, under specified conditions.

Limits the amount of funds available from this Act for the execution of a contract for the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative.

Permits the use of appropriated funds to fully utilize the facilities at the U.S. Army Engineer's Waterways Experiment Station, with a specified exception.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used by a military department to modify an aircraft, weapon, ship, or other item of equipment if such item is to be retired or otherwise disposed of within five years after completion of the modification, with specified exceptions.

Specifies the definition of "program, project, and activity" for appropriations contained in this Act for purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act).

Earmarks specified funds appropriated to the Army under this Act for the Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS), with certain expenditure limitations.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for fixed-price contracts exceeding $10,000,000 for the development of a major defense system or subsystem, unless the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and the Secretary take certain action.

Provides that monetary limitations on the purchase price of passenger motor vehicles shall not apply to vehicles purchased for certain intelligence activities.

Earmarks specified funds for the construction of classified military projects within the continental United States.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for the procurement of welded shipboard anchor and mooring chains manufactured outside the United States.

Directs the Secretary to ensure that a minimum of 75 percent of the coal and petroleum pitch carbon fiber requirement be procured from domestic sources by 1994.

Authorizes DOD to transfer prior-year unobligated balances to the operation and maintenance appropriations of the reserve components in order to provide military technician and DOD medical personnel pay and medical programs the same exemption from the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act as is currently granted to other military personnel accounts, with specified exceptions.

Prohibits any funds available to the Department of the Navy from being used to enter into any contract for the overhaul, repair, or maintenance of any naval vessel on the west coast which includes interport differential charges as a factor for the award of such contract.

Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act for CHAMPUS programs from being used to reimburse any health care provider for inpatient mental health services in excess of specified periods (depending on one's age), or for care received when a patient is referred to a provider of such care by a medical or health care professional having an economic interest in the facility to which the patient is referred, with specified exceptions.

Requires the designs of specified military aircraft to incorporate certain standard avionics specifications by no later than 1998.

Provides for the accounting treatment of expenses incurred by the United States in monitoring Soviet implementation of the INF Treaty.

Reduces the total amount appropriated to DOD by this Act to reflect savings resulting from the decreased use of consulting services by DOD.

Provides funds from this Act for transportation to an annual meeting in the United States for the next-of-kin of individuals who have been prisoners of war or missing in action from the Vietnam era.

Prohibits funds from this Act from being used by DOD to exceed a specified amount of civilian workyears outside the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Prohibits funds available to the Department of the Navy from being used to implement certain automated data processing or information technology facility consolidation plans or to make reductions or transfers of personnel in connection with such plans until a congressional notification requirement has been met by the Secretary.

Appropriates funds for the operation, modernization, and expansion of automated data process systems.

Prohibits funds from this Act from being obligated or expended to prepare, or to assist any defense contractor in preparing, any material with respect to economic or employment impact in a State of an acquisition program for which all research, development, testing and evaluation has not been completed.

Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act from being available for a contract for studies, analyses, or consulting services entered into without competition on the basis of an unsolicited proposal unless the head of the activity responsible for the procurement makes certain determinations with respect to such contract.

Prohibits the use of DOD funds under this Act to dispose of specified unserviceable M1 rifles and carbines.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to pay more than 50 percent of a lump-sum reenlistment bonus.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to assign a supervisor's title or grade when the number of people he or she supervises is considered as a basis for such determination.

Prohibits funds appropriated in this Act for the CHAMPUS program from being used for the payment of certain deductible charges required for medical care authorized for spouses and children of members of the armed forces on active duty for 30 days or more and received on an outpatient basis after April 1, 1991, with specified exceptions and limitations.

Prohibits Navy funds appropriated by this or any other Act from being used to carry out an electromagnetic pulse program in the Chesapeake Bay area in connection with the Electromagnetic Pulse Radiation Environment Simulator for Ships (EMPRESS) program until the Secretary has made certain certifications to the Congress concerning the importance of such program.

Limits the funds available for a health care demonstration project regarding chiropractic care required by the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to pay health care providers under CHAMPUS for services determined to be not medically or psychologically necessary.

Requires sums for FY 1992 pay raises for programs funded by this Act to be absorbed within the levels appropriated in this Act.

Prohibits funds available in this Act from being used for: (1) payments under a DOD contract with the Louisiana State University Medical Center involving the use of cats for wound research; or (2) conducting bone trauma research at the Letterman Army Institute of Research until the Secretary of the Army makes certain certifications.

Requires the Secretary to include in any base closure and realignment plan submitted to the Congress a complete review for FY 1991 through 1995 which includes specified information relating to force structures and cost savings after such closure or realignment.

Directs the Secretary to ensure that at least 50 percent of the Joint Service Missile Mission is in place at Letterkenny Army Depot by the time Systems Integration Management Activity and Depot systems command are scheduled to relocate to Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois.

Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 to add to the definition of "disadvantaged small business concern," and, therefore, make eligible for inclusion in a Federal program which enhances the ability of such businesses to participate as contractors and subcontractors in defense contracts, the following: (1) a business entity owned and controlled by an Indian tribe or a Native Hawaiian organization; and (2) a qualified organization employing the severely disabled.

Limits the amount of funds that may be used for any single relocation of an organization, unit, activity, or function of DOD into or within the National Capital Region. Provides for the waiver of such limitation in certain cases.

Earmarks funds from this Act for the mental health care demonstration project at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used for: (1) producing more than two-thirds of the liquid gas requirements in-house at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam; (2) reducing the end strength of the National Guard and reserve below levels funded in this Act (allowing the Secretary to vary each end strength by up to two percent); or (3) reducing the force structure of the Army National Guard, Army Reserve, and other National Guard and reserve components below the level supported by funds appropriated by this Act.

Allows appropriated funds to be used for the pay, allowance, and benefits of Federal or District of Columbia employees who are members of the reserve or National Guard, who perform Federal or military service to enforce the law or provide assistance to civil authorities in the protection or saving of life or property, and who request and are granted leave.

Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act from being used to: (1) initiate or continue any cost study pursuant to OMB Circular A-76; or (2) begin closing a military medical treatment facility unless the Secretary notifies the appropriations committees.

Earmarks specified funds made available to DOD for FY 1992 for National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships for U.S. citizens or nationals pursuing advanced degrees in fields of primary concern and interest to DOD.

Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act for the American Forces Information Service from being used for any national or international political or psychological activities.

Prohibits FY 1992 unobligated balances in the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund from being used to finance any grant or contract to conduct R&D; activities for the development or production of advanced materials, unless amounts for such purpose are specifically appropriated in subsequent appropriation Acts.

States as U.S. policy the opposition to restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by foreign countries against countries friendly to the United States or against any other U.S. person. Prohibits any DOD prime contract in excess of the small purchase threshold from being awarded to a foreign person, company, or entity unless such person certifies to the Secretary that it does not comply with the secondary Arab boycott of Israel. Authorizes the Secretary to waive the prohibition in the interest of national security, after notifying the Congress.

Requires all DOD software to be written in the programming language Ada after June 1, 1991, in the absence of a special exemption.

Authorizes the Secretary to adjust the wage rates of certain civilian employees hired for certain health care occupations as authorized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for the direct care of veterans in the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Prohibits funds available to DOD from being used for the training or utilization of psychologists in the prescription of drugs, except upon the findings and recommendations of a specified Army Blue Ribbon Panel.

Prohibits funds appropriated in this Act from being used during the current fiscal year to reduce the medical support personnel end strength at any base undergoing a partial closure or realignment, and at which more than one joint command is located, below the September 30, 1991, level.

Authorizes additional obligations to be incurred for the installation of equipment where obligation of funding for the procurement of such equipment was delayed.

Rescinds specified funds as provided in DOD appropriation Acts.

Amends the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1991 relating to the establishment of the National Commission on Defense and National Security to terminate such Commission 30 days after submission of its final report. Removes the requirement that such Commission submit five annual reports, instead requiring only an initial and final report. Authorizes the Chairman of the Commission to obtain necessary information from Federal departments or agencies.

Earmarks funds made available in this Act for the Civil Air Patrol.

Prohibits funds appropriated or made available in this Act from being used to reduce or disestablish the operation of the 815th Tactical Airlift Squadron of the Air Force Reserve if such action would reduce the WC-130 weather reconnaissance mission below the levels funded in this Act.

Allows withdrawal credits to be made by the Defense Business Operations Fund to the credit of current applicable appropriations of a DOD activity in connection with the acquisition of supplies that are repairable components which are capitalized into the Fund as the result of certain management changes concerning depot level repairable assets.

Requires, in the use of funds for the procurement of supplies or services appropriated by this Act, that qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind or other severely handicapped be afforded the maximum opportunity to participate as subcontractors and suppliers in the performance of DOD contracts.

Earmarks specified funds for the National Drug Intelligence Center.

Earmarks funds appropriated under this Act to the Central Intelligence Agency Program for costs associated with land acquisition and related expenditures for the implementation of a plan for the consolidation of CIA facilities. Prohibits the obligation of funding to implement such plan until specified conditions are met. Provides additional funding to implement the plan.

Provides that certain numerical restrictions on the number of flag or general officers serving on active duty shall not apply in the case of such officers serving as full-time practicing physicians.

Authorizes any CHAMPUS medical provider to voluntarily waive the patient copayment required for medical services provided to dependents of active-duty personnel from August 2, 1990, until the termination of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, as long as the Government's share of such services is not increased during such period.

Limits the total amount appropriated for FY 1992 to fund the Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities Program.

Authorizes the Navy, during FY 1992, to provide notice to exercise options under the LEASAT program for the next fiscal year.

Prohibits funds available to DOD during FY 1992 from being obligated or expended to develop an airborne instrumentation system for weapons systems other than a specified system.

Earmarks specified funds appropriated in this Act for the V-22 aircraft program. Authorizes the transfer of certain other funds for such program. Requires such funds to be used for a full-scale engineering development program in connection with the V-22 program. Requires the Secretary to notify the Congress of the total funding plan and the schedule to complete such development program.

Provides that, during FY 1992, medical facilities that recover from third parties payments for health care provided in military medical facilities to covered beneficiaries shall have the right to retain such payments for the use of such facility over and above its direct budget amount.

Directs the Secretary to transfer specified funds within DOD accounts.

Prohibits funds appropriated in this Act from being used to procure a Multibeam Sonar Mapping System not manufactured in the United States.

Prohibits funds available to DOD during FY 1992 from any source from being used for any activities to support the objective of launching Strategic Target System (STARS) rockets from the Navy Pacific Missile Range Facility, Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii. Outlines certain instances in which such restrictions shall not apply.

Authorizes the President, during FY 1992 through 1994, to acquire 50,000 kilograms of germanium to be held in the National Defense Stockpile.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to: (1) implement any catchment area management demonstration projects except those approved by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs; and (2) fill the commander's position at any military medical facility with a health care professional unless the prospective candidate can demonstrate professional administrative skills.

Earmarks specified funds to continue CHAMPUS benefits until age 65 for former members of the armed forces who are entitled to retired or retainer pay (and their dependents) and who become eligible for hospital insurance benefits under Medicare solely on the grounds of a physical disability.

Authorizes certain prior-year funds to be used for the purchase of passenger motor vehicles.

Authorizes the Secretary, during FY 1992, to accept burdensharing contributions from the Republic of Korea for the cost of local national employees, supplies, and services of DOD.

Appropriates funds to DOD for transfer to the Coast Guard.

Prohibits FY 1992 Federal funds from being obligated or expended for R&D; for the space-based wide area surveillance projects or activities in specified Air Force program elements.

Prohibits during FY 1992 the incurring of obligations against DOD stock funds in excess of 80 percent of sales from such funds during such fiscal year.

Prohibits funds appropriated in this Act from being used for the compensation of in excess of 90 percent of the number of military and civilian personnel assigned to specified naval systems and engineering commands as of the end of FY 1991.

Requires certain prior-year funds to be transferred to an emergency management planning and assistance account of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used for reducing or disestablishing the operation of the P-3 squadrons of the Navy Reserve below the levels funded in this Act. Directs the Secretary of the Navy to obligate and expend funds appropriated during FY 1991 and 1992 for the modification of P-3B aircraft which are intended to be kept in the fleet for more than five years.

Prohibits DOD funds from being used for R&D; of advanced radar warning receiver for the B-1B aircraft.

Prohibits funds made available to the Army for FY 1990 through 1992 for C-23 aircraft which remain available for obligation from being used except to maintain commonality with C-23 Sherpa aircraft already in the Army National Guard.

Appropriates funds for the payment of claims to U.S. military and civilian personnel for damages incurred as a result of the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. Appropriates additional funds for: (1) the relocation of Air Force units from Clark Air Force Base; and (2) unanticipated costs of disaster relief activities of DOD overseas.

Prohibits funds appropriated in this Act from being used for any contract or grant with a university or other institution of higher learning unless such contract undergoes certain audit procedures and the institution responds fully to all requests for financial information.

Places certain limitations on the appropriation, obligation, and expenditure of funds appropriated in this Act to finance activities of DOD federally funded R&D; centers.

Repeals a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 which authorizes the Secretary of the Army to lease aircraft for helicopter pilot training and to determine if such leasing arrangement is more cost-effective than operating and maintaining Army aircraft for such purpose.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to: (1) transport or provide for the transportation of chemical munitions to the Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Islands for storing or demilitarizing such munitions; (2) prepare further feasibility studies concerning the removal and transportation of unitary chemical weapons from the eight chemical storage sites within the United States; (3) pay the salaries of debarment/suspension officials unless such officials are a consolidated office of debarment and suspension within the Office of the Inspector General; (4) comply with a certain defense memorandum concerning debarment from defense contracts for felony criminal convictions; (5) procure for use in any Government-owned facility or property under DOD control carbon, alloy, or armor steel plates which were not melted or rolled in the United States or Canada (with waivers on a case-by-case basis); and (6) support any nonappropriated fund activity of DOD that procures malt beverages and wine with nonappropriated funds for resale on military installations within the United States, unless such beverages and wine are procured in the State (or District of Columbia) in which the installation is located.

Directs the Critical Technologies Institute, during FY 1992, to conduct a special study of the issues regarding the production and use of machine tools necessary to support the national defense. Provides definitions and recommendation and reporting requirements.

Earmarks specified funds made available in this Act for incentive payments authorized under the Indian Financing Act of 1974. Extends through FY 1993 the criminal misdemeanor jurisdiction of tribal courts over non-member Indians under such Act.

Prohibits any funds available to the Secretary of Defense from being used to purchase bridge or machinery control systems or interior communications equipment for the Sealift Program, unless certain Buy American requirements are met with respect to such systems or equipment. Authorizes the waiver of such requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Requires cooperative agreements and other transactions for advanced defense research projects to be entered into only by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Earmarks specified FY 1992 DOD funds for: (1) DOD dual-use critical technology partnerships; and (2) the advanced research projects of DARPA.

Transfers specified operation and maintenance funds to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund established under prior law to be available for the Fund's purposes.

Earmarks specified funds for a grant to the Naval Undersea Museum Foundation for the completion of an undersea museum at Keyport, Washington.

Prohibits DOD or the military departments from taking any action to prohibit, impede, or otherwise interfere with the construction of conventionally powered submarines by privately owned companies for sale to nations with which the United States maintains bilateral or multilateral mutual security agreements or to nations which currently receive foreign military sales credits or economic support funds from the United States.

Prohibits more than 15 percent of the funds available to DOD for sealift from being used to acquire ships constructed in foreign shipyards.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used by any military department to conduct bombing or gunnery training or similar munitions delivery training on Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii.

Requires funds to be made available to the Secretary for the study of: (1) Israeli aerospace and avionics technology and its application to U.S. aircraft programs; (2) potential U.S.-Israeli collaboration in technology R&D; and (3) the possible application to the United States of Israeli space, antiterrorism, drug interdiction, environmental, and critical technologies.

Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for implementing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reorganization Study until the reorganization proposed is specifically authorized by law after the enactment of this Act.

Authorizes the Secretary to acquire the modification, depot maintenance and repair of aircraft, vehicles and vessels, as well as the production of components and other defense-related articles, through competition between DOD depot maintenance activities and private firms.

Establishes in the Treasury the Defense Business Operations Fund to be operated as a working capital fund. Transfers to the Fund all balances of working capital funds for programs and work performed in DOD. Provides for the accounting of amounts charged for supplies and services provided by the Fund.

Requires funds appropriated by this Act to be made available for the Overseas Workload Program. Allows a contract awarded to a firm under such Program during FY 1992 to be performed in the country where the equipment or firm is located. Considers Israel to be part of the European theater for purposes of the Program. Prohibits any funds authorized for the Program during FY 1992 or thereafter from being used for contracts which have not been awarded under open competition.

Directs the Secretary to rescind the waiver of the Buy American Act with respect to products of a country that the Secretary determines has violated the terms of a reciprocal trade agreement by discriminating against certain types of covered U.S. products.

Incorporates into this Act the Classified Annex prepared by the Conference Committee to accompany the conference report on this bill.

Earmarks specified R&D; funds from this Act for the Flexible Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems programs.

Requires certain surplus property held by the Federal Government to be transferred to the Secretary of the Interior in order to enter into a land exchange with the Calista Corporation in Alaska. Outlines terms and conditions to the land exchange.

Prohibits any funds appropriated to DOD for FY 1992 from being obligated for procurement of ball bearings or roller bearings other than in accordance with specified provisions of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.

Utilizes certain prior-year DOD funds for large-scale industrial availability of the USS John F. Kennedy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

Earmarks specified R&D; funds made available to the Air Force under this Act for the cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste contamination affecting the sale of a parcel of land at Hamilton Air Force Base, California. Outlines sale conditions for such parcel as they relate to such cleanup activities.

Directs the Comptroller General to issue a report on the Navy's accounting practices at its nuclear shipyards.

Expresses the sense of the Congress that in acting on a joint resolution on the disapproval of the 1991 Defense Base Closure Commission's recommendations, the Congress takes no position on whether there has been compliance by the Commission and DOD with the requirements of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990.

Establishes a National Commission on the Future Role of U.S. Nuclear Weapons, Problems of Command, Control, and Safety of Soviet Nuclear Weapons, and Reduction of Nuclear Weapons. Outlines duties of the Commission with respect to nuclear weapons of the United States and the Soviet Union as they relate to U.S. national security. Requests the Commission to obtain a study from the National Academy of Sciences on such matters. Requests the President to establish and support a joint working group of nuclear experts from the United States and the Soviet Union to discuss and provide recommendations on such matters. Recommends the declassification of defense and intelligence agency materials from both countries in order to aid the working group. Outlines reporting requirements. Terminates the Commission upon submission of its final report. Earmarks DOD funds for the Commission.

Requests the President, before negotiating with the Soviet Union toward making significant modifications to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, to consult with U.S. allies in NATO as well as other appropriate allies in order to seek a consensus on objectives concerning defense systems that would enhance the common security interests of NATO and other allies and strengthen the NATO alliance as a whole.

Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to accept the transfer of funds from other Federal departments and agencies to carry out the objectives of the Public Works and Development Act of 1965, as long as such funds are used for the purposes for which they were appropriated.

Provides that during FY 1992 a business concern which has negotiated with a military department or defense agency a subcontracting plan for participation by small business concerns in defense contracts pursuant to the Small Business Act shall be given credit toward meeting the subcontracting goal for any purchases made from qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind or other severely handicapped.

Provides aviation officer special payments as part of an officer's final military pay account in the case of aviation officers who died as a result of flight operations in the Persian Gulf conflict, even though such officers died before performing the full period of aviation service agreed to as part of a service agreement for the receipt of such special pay.

Makes available certain prior-year funds appropriated to the Air Force to provide reimbursements for launch service costs authorized to be waived by certain amendments to the Commercial Space Launch Act.

Allows, under specified conditions, the Secretary of the Army to authorize a working capital funded Army industrial facility to manufacture or remanufacture articles and sell such articles, as well as manufacturing services provided by such facilities, to persons outside DOD.

Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to cancel any part of an indebtedness, up to $2,500, that is owed to the United States by a member or former member of the armed forces if such indebtedness was incurred in connection with Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

Transfers certain unobligated funds of the Board for International Broadcasting for use for salaries and expenses of the United States Information Agency.

Directs the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of Land Management, to issue a patent to the Shiny Rock Mining Corporation for a mining claim in Marion County, Oregon.

Directs the Navy to obligate specified funds under this Act to develop an integrated display station as an engineering change to the Advanced Video Processor and for the reestablishment of the CI Mode integration testing.

Prohibits this Act's funds from being used to order from the Desktop III contract, except as specified.

Provides for the transfer of specified amounts from working capital funds to appropriations contained in this Act to be merged with and made available for the same purposes and for the same time period as the appropriations for which transferred.

Prohibits the Secretary from withholding assistance from a community reuse task force or committee established in connection with the closure of a military installation on the basis of lack of unanimity if at least 90 percent of the task force or committee supports the application for such assistance.

Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to transfer the obsolete aircraft carrier Oriskany to a certain nonprofit organization for cultural and educational purposes.

Provides that no expenditures made prior to FY 1992 shall be considered as preliminary design and engineering costs for purposes of determining the benefit/cost ratio for the South Frankfort, Kentucky, flood control project.

States that appropriations that remain available at the end of FY 1992 as the result of energy cost savings realized by DOD shall remain available for obligation for the next fiscal year to provide funds for the construction or improvement of commissary stores.

States that the Suitland Parkway meets the certification requirements for purposes of funds provided for defense access roads for Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

Authorizes the Secretary, during FY 1992 or any time thereafter, to make a donation of a parcel of property under the jurisdiction of the Secretary and not currently needed to a nonprofit entity that provides medical, educational, and emotional support in a recreational setting to children with life-threatening diseases and their families.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to pay a specified sum to George D. Hand, Jr. for damages as a result of the scuttling of the F/V Shinnecock I off Shinnecock Harbor, New York, on March 14, 1991. Relieves the Government of all liability following such payment. Prohibits more than ten percent of such payment from being used for the payment of attorneys' fees.

Earmarks specified Department of Energy funds to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the independent monitoring and testing of onsite activities of the nuclear facility decommissioning site at Apollo, Pennsylvania, with specified conditions upon such monitoring and testing. Requires the date provided in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY 1991 for completion of the cleanup of such site to be rescinded.

Authorizes the Secretary during FY 1992 to accept burdensharing contributions from Japan for the cost of local national employees, supplies, and services of DOD.

Transfers certain funds to the salaries and expenses account of the Smithsonian Institution.

Prohibits funds appropriated or made available by this Act from being used to implement a realignment or consolidation of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command that would affect elements of the Northern Division of that command until 60 days after the consolidation or realignment plan is approved by the Secretary and submitted to the Appropriations Committees.

Authorizes DOD to charter U.S. flag tankers for a lease period not to exceed five years, with provision for further renewal at DOD's option.

Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 to reduce from 92 to 77 the required staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict.

Authorizes the Secretary to provide optional summer school programs in addition to the programs otherwise authorized by the Defense Dependents Education Act of 1978 and to charge a fee for participation in such optional programs.