Summary: H.R.2622 — 102nd Congress (1991-1992)All Information (Except Text)

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House receded and concurred with amendment (10/03/1991)

Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1992 - Title I: Department of the Treasury - Treasury Department Appropriations Act, 1992 - Makes appropriations to the Department of the Treasury for FY 1992 for: (1) departmental offices; (2) the Office of Inspector General; (3) the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; (4) the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; (5) the Financial Management Service; (6) the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF); (7) the Customs Service; (8) the Mint; (9) the Bureau of the Public Debt; (10) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and (11) the U.S. Secret Service.

Authorizes the BATF to make per diem and/or subsistence allowances to employees where an assignment to the National Response Team during the investigation of a bombing or arson incident requires an employee to work 16 hours or more per day or to remain overnight at his or her post of duty.

Authorizes the BATF to accept, receive, hold, and administer gifts of services and personal property for hosting the General Assembly of the International Office of Vine and Wine (OIV) in the United States in 1993. Authorizes the BATF to use otherwise available funds from the appropriations to the Bureau for FY 1992 and 1993, as necessary, to pay the expenses of hosting, including reception, representation, and transportation expenses.

Makes funds available to the BATF for: (1) improvement of information retrieval systems at the National Firearms Tracing Center; and (2) the equipping of any vessel, vehicle, equipment, or aircraft for State or local law enforcement use in drug-related joint law enforcement operations and for the payment of costs incurred in such joint operations.

Establishes a minimum level of employment for the United States Customs Service.

Directs the IRS to provide additional amounts above FY 1991 levels for international tax enforcement.

Makes funds available to the IRS for a research and development center.

Declares that additional amounts above FY 1991 levels for the tax enforcement information reporting program shall be used instead for the examination of the tax returns of high-income and high-asset taxpayers.

Requires advance approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations for transfers of appropriations to other IRS accounts.

Specifies the use of appropriated funds by the United States Secret Service.

Requires the IRS to conduct a pilot program to test the feasibility of sharing efficiency savings between employees and Federal agencies.

Prohibits funds appropriated under this title from being used for the collection of any underpayment of tax, unless collected under specified procedures.

Prohibits the use of funds for the direct billing of Treasury bureaus for the postage costs of another Treasury bureau.

Specifies the amount appropriated to the United States Mint for salaries and expenses and to the IRS for processing tax returns and assistance.

Title II: Postal Service - Postal Service Appropriations Act, 1992 - Makes appropriations to the Postal Service Fund for FY 1992.

Amends Federal law to revise the postal revenue forgone program.

Title III: Executive Office of the President - Executive Office Appropriations Act, 1992 - Makes appropriations for FY 1992 for the Executive Office of the President, for salaries and/or operating expenses of the following: (1) compensation of the President; (2) the executive residence at the White House; (3) the Office of Administration; (4) the White House Office; (5) the official residence of the Vice President; (6) the provision of special assistance to the President; (7) the Council of Economic Advisers; (8) the Office of Policy Development; (9) the National Critical Materials Council; (10) the National Security Council; (11) the Office of Management and Budget; (12) the Office of Federal Procurement Policy; (13) the Office of National Drug Control Policy; and (14) unanticipated needs.

Makes funds available for the Counter-Drug Technology Assessment Center.

Specifies the use of funds made available to the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Special Forfeiture Fund.

Title IV: Independent Agencies - Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1992 - Makes appropriations for FY 1992 for the following independent agencies: (1) the Administrative Conference of the United States; (2) the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; (3) the Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped; and (4) the Federal Election Commission.

Makes funds deposited in the Federal Buildings Fund available for specified purchases of the General Services Administration (GSA), limiting the availability of such funds for certain programs, construction projects, purchases, and repairs and alterations of GSA.

Makes appropriations to GSA for FY 1992 for: (1) the Federal Supply Service; (2) the Federal Property Resources Service; (3) real property relocation; (4) general management and administration; (5) the Information Resources Management Service; (6) the Office of Inspector General; and (7) allowances and office staff for former Presidents.

Limits the amount of funds that may be transferred between appropriations within the GSA, requiring such proposed transfers to be submitted to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees for approval.

Directs the GSA to pay for expenses related to the relocation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regional office.

Authorizes GSA to accept property from Maryland at no cost for the construction of a computer facility for the Bureau of the Census and to begin preliminary design work on such facility. Requires the submission of an evaluation of need and a prospectus for such project to the appropriate congressional committees.

Authorizes agencies to make rent payments to GSA for lease space relating to expansion needs at commercial equivalent rates specified under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. Authorizes appropriations out of the Federal Buildings Fund.

Requires the specific approval of the Congress before the obligation or expenditure of funds for the sale, excessing, surplusing, or disposal of lands in the vicinity of Norfolk Lake, Arkansas, and lands in the vicinity of Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas, both administered by the Corps of Engineers.

Authorizes the reimbursement of travel, transportation, and subsistence expenses incurred for training classes, conferences, or other meetings in connection with the provision of child care services by persons employed to provide such services for Federal agencies.

Authorizes the fund for real property management to receive any revenues, collections, or other income during FY 1992 related to energy savings, all of which shall remain available for Federal energy management improvement programs deemed appropriate by the Administrator of GSA.

Directs the Administrator to submit to the Congress by September 30, 1992, an inventory of all the real property in Hawaii that is owned or controlled by any agency of the Federal Government.

Directs the GSA to enter into an agreement with the City of Des Moines, Iowa, to pay expenses for one-half of the operation, maintenance and repair of each skywalk bridge connecting to the Federal Building at 210 Walnut Street after the construction of each such skywalk and each year thereafter.

Designates the Center and Federal Building located at 255 East Temple Street in Los Angeles, California, as the Edward R. Roybal Center and Federal Building.

Requires an agency to reimburse the GSA for expenses related to the relocation of such agency where funds have been made available under the real property operations activity of the Federal Buildings Fund in FY 1992. Requires such reimbursement over a two-year period.

Permits the Secretary of Education, after appropriate certification by the City of Des Moines, Iowa, to recognize the YMCA of Greater Des Moines as meeting the qualifications of an educational institution or organization for obtaining Federal surplus land under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949.

Provides that funds previously provided for a grant to the County of Los Angeles, California, shall be provided directly to the City of Long Beach, California, for construction of a parking facility. Requires the City of Long Beach to provide to GSA, without cost, 250 parking spaces for a period of 99 years, in a parking facility to be constructed. Amends the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1990, to repeal the previous grant.

Establishes a limitation on the real property operations activity of the Federal Buildings Fund.

Makes appropriations for FY 1992 for the following purposes: (1) the National Archives and Records Administration; (2) the Office of Government Ethics; and (3) the Office of Personnel Management.

Prohibits allowances provided under geographic pay rates from being reduced during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act through December 31, 1995. Directs the Office of Personnel Management to study and report to the Congress any proposed adjustments to the methodology for calculating such allowances.

Makes appropriations for FY 1992 for the Merit Systems Protection Board, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the United States Tax Court, and the Office of Special Counsel.

Title V: General Provisions (this Act) - Sets forth certain prohibitions and limitations on the use of appropriations made under this Act.

Prohibits the use of funds under this Act for the purchase or sale of real estate or for the purpose of establishing new offices inside or outside the District of Columbia, unless approved by the Congress.

Prohibits any of the funds made available under this Act from being used for any of the following: (1) for administrative expenses in closing the GSA Federal Information Center in Sacramento, California; (2) for the purpose of eliminating any existing requirements for sureties on customs bonds; (3) for the funding of any activity or the payment of any Government employee which would prohibit the enforcement of a specified provision of the 1930 Tariff Act; or (4) to transfer control over the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Glynco, Georgia, Marana, Arizona, and Artesia, New Mexico, out of the Treasury Department.

Prohibits the use of any part of an appropriation made in this Act for the payment of the salary of any officer or employee of the U.S. Postal Service who in any way interferes with another employee's ability to communicate with any member or committee of the Congress in connection with any matter pertaining to the employment of such officers or employees with the Postal Service.

Prohibits, with specified exceptions, the use of any funds appropriated under this Act to pay for an abortion, or to fund any Federal health plan which provides any benefits or coverage for abortions.

Prohibits any funds appropriated in this Act from being available to solicit bids or enter into any contracts to close or consolidate executive seminar centers for the Office of Personnel Management, until October 1, 1991.

Authorizes the Administrator of GSA to acquire space for the United States Courts in Tacoma, Washington, at the site of Union Station in that city.

Provides authority to establish pay rates for Federal employees during FY 1992.

Prohibits the use of funds to contract out positions or downgrade the position classification of the United States Mint Police Force and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Police Force.

Allows the Office of Personnel Management to accept donations of supplies, services, and equipment for the Federal Executive Institute, the Federal Quality Institute, and Executive Seminar Centers for the enhancement of morale and educational experience of attendees.

Authorizes the United States Secret Service to accept donations of money to offset costs incurred while protecting former Presidents and their spouses when traveling for the purpose of making an appearance or speech for a payment of money or any thing of value.

Prohibits the withdrawal of the designation of Front Royal, Virginia as a Customs Service port of entry.

Prohibits the obligation of a certain percentage of appropriations for travel expenses under this Act, except for travel expenses of the Committee for the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped.

Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act or any other Act to transfer mail processing capabilities from the Las Cruces, New Mexico, postal facility. Requires the Postal Service to recognize the rapid rate of population growth in Las Cruces and to automate such facility.

Requires the absorption of FY 1992 pay raises within the levels appropriated by this Act.

Prohibits the use of funds to reduce the rank or rate of pay of a career appointee in the Senior Executive Service upon reassignment or transfer.

Prohibits the use of funds to award a Federal agency lease in the Omaha, Nebraska-Council Bluffs, Iowa, geographical area, which does not meet certain criteria.

Prohibits the use of funds to pay the salaries of any permanent replacements for Federal employees who leave Federal service to enter into the Armed Forces, satisfactorily complete such military service, apply for reinstatement, and are certified as qualified to perform the duties of the previous position.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to implement the plan announced by the Bureau of the Public Debt on March 19, 1991, to consolidate such Bureau's operations in Parkerburg, West Virginia.

Prohibits the use of funds, with respect to any employee of the Bureau in the Washington Metropolitan region on April 10, 1991, to separate, reduce the grade or pay of, or carry out any other adverse personnel action against such individual for declining to accept a directed reassignment to a position in Parkerburg, West Virginia. Makes such prohibition inapplicable to any individual who declines an offer of another position in the Department of the Treasury which is of at least equal pay and which is within the Washington Metropolitan Region.

Prohibits the use of funds by the United States Customs Service to collect or impose any land border processing fees at ports of entry along the United States-Mexico border.

Amends the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976 to authorize assistance to certain State and local law enforcement entities for Presidential protection activities.

Restricts the use of travel funds to those amounts included in agency budget estimates, with specified exceptions.

Title VI: General Provisions (Departments, Agencies, and Corporations) - Sets forth certain requirements for and prohibitions and limitations on the use of appropriations made by this Act.

Allows the use of funds to pay travel to the Untied States for the immediate family of employees serving abroad in cases of death or life threatening illness of such employee.

Prohibits the obligation or expenditure of funds by any Federal agency or instrumentality unless it has in place and administers in good faith a drug-free workplace policy.

Requires Federal employing agencies to make deposits into the Federal Employees Compensation Account of the Unemployment Trust Fund not later than 30 days after the Department of Labor has billed such agencies.

Authorizes the reimbursement of travel, transportation, and subsistence expenses incurred for training classes, conferences, or other meetings in connection with the provision of child care services for Federal employees.

Limits allowances for the purchase of Government vehicles with certain exceptions.

Allows the use of travel expenses for quarters and cost-of-living allowances.

Prohibits any part of any funds appropriated in this or any other Act from being used to pay the salary of any officer or employee of the Government whose post of duty is in the continental United States unless such person: (1) is a citizen of the United States; (2) has filed a declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States; (3) is a person owing allegiance to the United States; (4) is a lawfully-admitted alien from Poland, Cuba, South Vietnam, or the Baltic countries; or (5) is a South Vietnamese, Cambodian, or Laotian refugee paroled in the United States after January 1, 1975; or (6) is a national of the People's Republic of China protected by a specified Executive Order. States exceptions and provides penalties for those persons submitting false affidavits under this provision.

Permits GSA to use funds from other agencies for renovation and alteration of facilities which constitute public improvements.

Permits certain funds made available for administrative expenses of corporations and agencies to be available for rent in the District of Columbia, consultant services, and other specified items.

Prohibits funds from any appropriation in the current year from being paid to a person for filling a position for which he or she has been nominated after the Senate has voted not to approve such nomination.

Authorizes the use of foreign credits owed to or owned by the United States for any purpose for which appropriations are made for the current year, only when the appropriate reimbursement is made to the Treasury from the agency concerned.

Prohibits the use of interagency funds for commissions or other similar groups without specific statutory approval to receive financial support from more than one agency or instrumentality.

Authorizes the Postal Service to employ guards for postal facilities.

Prohibits funds available pursuant to this Act from being available to implement any regulation which has been disapproved by a resolution duly adopted under the laws of the United States.

Places limitations on: (1) charges by GSA for rental of space and services; and (2) on prevailing wage rates.

Prohibits any funds made available under this Act from being used to plan, implement, or administer: (1) any reduction in the number of regions, districts, or entry processing locations of the U.S. Customs Service; or (2) any consolidation or centralization of duty assessment or appraisement functions of any offices of such Service.

Limits the amount of funds which can be used to redecorate offices of Presidential appointees without specific advance approval by the congressional appropriations committees.

Requires reports from certain executive branch agencies on the detailing of employees.

Sets forth provisions to be included in nondisclosure agreements.

Requires the advance approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations before an executive agency purchases, constructs, and/or leases any additional facilities, except within or contiguous to existing locations, for the purposes of conducting Federal law enforcement training.

Sets forth the conditions under which Federal agencies may procure automatic data processing equipment other than through the procurement known as FTS2000.

Sets forth conditions for the use of Federal grant money to finance the acquisition of goods or services with an aggregate value in excess of $500,000.

Authorizes the use of funds for the interagency funding of national security and emergency preparedness telecommunications initiatives which benefit multiple government entities.

Allows the use of funds by participants in the Federal Flexiplace Project to install telephone lines, necessary equipment, and pay monthly charges, in any private residence or apartment.

Prohibits Federal agencies from creating Schedule C positions, positions of a confidential or policy-determining character that are excepted from the competitive service, solely or primarily to detail the employee to the White House.

Directs the Secretary of Education to: (1) convey to the School District of Charleston County, South Carolina, a deed releasing the reversionary interest held by the United States to certain property in Charleston, South Carolina; and (2) make a similar conveyance to the New College of California, Inc., in San Francisco, California.

Prohibits the use of funds to relocate the Department of Justice Immigration Judges from offices located in Phoenix, Arizona, to new quarters in Florence, Arizona, without the prior approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.

Requires the Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy to evaluate certain emergency life safety systems to clarify the Federal Acquisition Regulation with respect to the definition of "construction materials" and the identification of "domestic construction materials."

Provides instructions to the U.S. Sentencing Commission on promulgating certain guidelines, or amending existing or proposed guidelines, with respect to the sexual exploitation of children.

Requires each State Public Health Official to certify to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (or equivalent guidelines) concerning transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the hepatitis B virus by health care professionals to patients during exposure prone invasive procedures, except for emergency situations when the patient's life or limb is in danger, have been instituted in the State in order to become eligible for assistance under the Public Health Service Act.