Sen. Cornyn: Real Health Care Reform Requires More Action, Less Talk

Sen. Cornyn, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, made the following statement today regarding the New York Times and Politico reports that the Obama Administration overstated the health care cost savings "deal" it announced earlier this week with special interest groups.

"The revelation that the White House was making backroom deals with special interests groups is extremely troubling, especially with an issue as immense as Health Care. We do need providers and insurers at the table, but only along with our most important constituency: patients.

"The skyrocketing cost of health care is the greatest concern of middle-class families. But secret deals and rushed press announcements aren't the way to deliver a high-value, affordable health care system that will work for patients.

"President Obama needs to shoot straight with the American people. The Administration's proposals will increase health care spending, or shift costs to workers, taxpayers, or our children. A Washington takeover of the health care system will only lead to delay and denial of treatment and disrupt the sacred doctor-patient relationship.

"Successful health care reform will put patients back in charge, and improve the system so providers compete for their business by delivering high quality care at affordable prices."