Coleman: On House Vote of Financial Stabilization Plan

September 29th, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - “Failure to address the financial crisis is not an option. Capital is the lifeblood of our financial system, and today that system is in danger of a complete meltdown. This crisis touches each and every Minnesotan. Jobs, retirement savings, and access to credit are all at stake. We must try again – these are times that call for statesmanship, not partisanship. I remain hopeful that we can act on a bipartisan compromise that addresses the crisis while at the same time protecting taxpayers and holding Wall Street accountable. We are facing an unprecedented financial crisis, and all of us, Democrats and Republicans, Congress and the Administration, must find a way forward for Minnesota families and our economy. Now is the time for action and I am hopeful that we can come together and pass a package that will have real reform – no golden parachutes, no blank check, and above all, protect the American taxpayer. We must have real results that will stabilize our financial markets and return liquidity to the system.”