
House Passes Funding Aid for Hurricane Harvey

The U.S. House today passed legislation to provide $7.85 billion to assist with relief and recovery efforts following Hurricane Harvey.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen, the sponsor of the legislation, commented on the bill’s approval.

“As one of the nation’s largest disasters continues to unfold before our eyes, Congress must ensure that our federal government is able to meet the short- and long-term needs of disaster victims.

“With this bill, the House has approved the funding necessary to allow FEMA to continue response and recovery efforts, including life-saving missions, while also ensuring the agency has resources available should another emergency arise.

“Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to all of the people of Texas and Louisiana who are coping with the aftermath of this terrible storm, as well as those on the ground who are helping in the relief and response efforts. My Committee is closely monitoring the situation. We stand ready to act to help those in need right now, and will continue to be there to support the ongoing rebuilding efforts in the near future.”
