Congressman Pete Visclosky

Representing the 1st District of Indiana


Defending American Steel

Our American manufacturing industry faces threats on several fronts. At home, loopholes in Buy America protections have prevented the use of American steel on infrastructure projects

Infrastructure and Transportation

Infrastructure and Transportation initiatives like extending the South Shore are vital to Northwest Indiana's economy and future.

Defense and National Security

Pete believes it is the utmost priority of Congress to provide effective oversight to protect the interests of the American people.

Advancing Women's Equality

While women have made many economic, political, and social advances over the last century, our nation still lacks full gender equality. Pete is committed to protecting and advancing women’s rights, both in the workplace and at home, to ensure full equality for all.

Jobs and Economy

Pete’s number one priority is job creation. There is still a great deal to be done to put people back to work, and Pete believes that task begins by revitalizing and reinvesting in Northwest Indiana’s economy.

Preserving Our Environment through the Marquette Plan

Pete believes that it is essential that federal, state, local, and tribal leaders continue to work together to commit the resources and develop a highly effective statutory framework to ensure the vitality of the lakes and their abundance of fresh water.

Keeping Northwest Indiana Safe

Pete is committed to keeping Northwest Indiana safe. As a member of the Law Enforcement Caucus, which represents over forty professional law enforcement agencies, Pete continues to support initiatives to ensure that our local law enforcement has access to resources it needs to effectively fight crime and violence in our community.

Understanding the Affordable Care Act

Pete believes that he has an obligation to put constituents' needs above the needs of insurance companies and support efforts to improve the system.

Congressional Steel Caucus

Have you heard of the Congressional Steel Caucus? Pete currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus.