Wrap Up (The Senate Stands in Recess), Brown

Wrap Up

Tomorrow -

  • The Senate stands in recess until 10:00 a.m.
  • The Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to accommodate the weekly policy lunches.
  • Note: all time during leader time and recess will count post-cloture on the House message accompanying H.R. 302, the vehicle for the FAA reauthorization.


Senator Brown: (6:11 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the First Amendment.
    • "Last month, we were reminded again of the important work that journalists do in our communities, bringing Ohioans or Oklahomans, or people from Kansas or wherever the information they need in an unfolding crisis. In September we got one of the worst news alerts that anyone of us could imagine. There was an active shooter in Cincinnati. We hugged loved ones a little tighter as we prayed for those affected by the latest senseless shootings that took the lives of three innocent Ohioans. We thanked the first responders and the law enforcement officers, everyone caring for the injured and thanked the local reporters who rushed to the scene doing their job to keep our community informed in a crisis."
  • Spoke on the recent news about the CFPB.
    • "Placing Blankenstein in charge of fair lending was a moral mistake, a managerial failure and he should be fired immediately. It's been a week now since reporters found those hateful writings. The fact that he's still on the job is a disgrace. The president should act. The CFPB head should act. We've seen no contrition from Blankenstein, no contrition from him, no apology for the hateful post, no acknowledgment that these are totally inappropriate and immoral views for someone whose job it is at the agency to root out discrimination."