Colleen Hanabusaحساب تایید شده


Proudly Representing Hawaii's First Congressional District

Washington, D.C.
در ۱۳۸۹ دی پیوسته است


@RepHanabusa را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @RepHanabusa را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. دی ۱

    The only adult in the room stepping down would have been more negative if Trump didn’t engage in his art of deflection. This is no way to say thank you to our dedicated federal workforce. Americans deserve much better from the office of the President.

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  2. دی ۱

    We reached an agreement on the final package of spending bills only to have Trump shut it down after Freedom Caucus members pushed him. A lot of this is part of Trump’s efforts to change the narrative after Secretary Mattis’ stunning resignation.

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  3. دی ۱

    What is most upsetting is that Congress did its job. For the first time in about a decade, through the regular order, we finished significant portions of the appropriations process in bipartisan fashion.

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  4. دی ۱

    Our farmers, already reeling from historic wet weather in the islands, won't have access to county service offices or federal aid. Small business loans won't be issued. Thankfully, our DOD workforce in the islands was previously funded through the current fiscal year.

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  5. دی ۱

    In Hawaii, where we are dependent on our visitor industry to drive our economy, our National Parks will be forced to shutter operations during one of their busiest seasons.

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  6. دی ۱

    The 'law and order' President just assured that 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers, including 13,709 FBI agents, 4,399 DEA agents, and 16,742 Bureau of Prisons correctional officers will lose money before Christmas.

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  7. دی ۱

    Ironically, by shutting down the government, he is ensuring that nearly 107,000 Customs and Border Protection agents and Transportation Security Administration workers will be forced to defend our borders with the added stress of an immediate loss in pay.

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  8. دی ۱

    He chooses the Christmas season to pander to his base and shutdown the government because Congress refuses to pay nearly $6 billion for a wall along the southern border that is nothing more than a political talking point for his next campaign.

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  9. دی ۱

    It is unfortunate that in the midst of the Holiday season President Trump is forcing more than 420,000 federal workers to continue on the job without pay. Hopefully, after quick reflection, the President and his enablers re-think this approach to funding the government.

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  10. آذر ۳۰

    . has (once again) brought us close to failing to fund the government. Americans need us to act responsibly. Congress reached a bipartisan compromise before Trump decided to pander to his base. Do your job Keep the government running.

  11. آذر ۳۰

    I have always respected General Mattis for his four decades of service to our country and his commitment to reigning in the ridiculous defense policies pushed by and his . He was one of the few adults allowed in Trump’s room. We wish him the best.

  12. آذر ۲۹

    Trump’s unstable, disrespectful behavior and dangerous approach to governing continues to disgrace the office and undermine America’s credibility. Our federal workers should not be faced with the threat of a shutdown after Congress reaches a bipartisan agreement.

  13. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۲۹

    We should be working to help hungry Americans, not take away their food. Yet under a new rule proposed by the Trump Admin (based on ideas the Congress rejected on a bipartisan basis), hundreds of thousands of ppl could lose nutrition assistance. This is the definition of cruelty.

  14. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۲۸

    Democrats are committed to fully, responsibly funding the government in January. In the meantime, we will support the continuing resolution to keep government open & working.

  15. آذر ۲۷

    Read more about the possible impacts and opportunities for Hawaii’s hemp market and medicinal cannabis programs in the Farm Bill of 2018:

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  16. آذر ۲۷

    “But this is not your typical farm bill. While it provides important agricultural and nutritional policy extensions for five years, the most interesting changes involve the cannabis plant.”

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  17. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۲۶

    You know the black vote is important when both US state/local govs & foreign govs try to suppress it. Last year, we met w/ & other tech companies about this issue. If they can't stop the weaponization of their platforms, then Congress will.

  18. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۲۶

    In the new Congress, , , and will be on the frontlines of holding this administration accountable – and ensuring our government is working .

  19. آذر ۲۴

    Americans deserve and demand a bipartisan agreement to

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  20. آذر ۲۴

    The ’s relentless assault on the Affordable Care Act continues through the courts. We see yet another example of why Trump and his enablers want to control SCOTUS. I urge my colleagues, come January, please come together to protect the right to quality, affordable healthcare

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