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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Economic Issues and Fiscal Responsibility

Jobs | Manufacturing | Fiscal Responsibility | Tax Cuts | Minimum Wage | Paycheck Fairness | Appropriations

Imagine what rekindling the American Dream looks like for you and your family—it’s an optimistic vision of what’s possible in the future. It is a vision of opportunity for you, your children, and your grandchildren.

Since first coming to Congress, I’ve acted aggressively to enact policies that promote this fundamental American value. Where hard work is rewarded and all Americans who are willing to work for it are able to achieve the middle class American Dream.

All-American Energy Jobs

A strong economy runs on affordable energy.

Right now, the United States spends more than $1 billion per day overseas to import foreign oil.

This is unacceptable. Our economic future and national security depend on coming up with a better energy policy, one that takes an all-of-the-above approach to developing our resources here at home.

That is why I led a bipartisan group of my colleagues in writing a plan that does just that.

The basic premise behind my bipartisan energy bill is simple: take the royalties from the expansion of responsible drilling here in America, and reinvest them into clean energy jobs and infrastructure improvements here at home.

Why should we continually send our money overseas to countries that hate us? They will hate us for free. With entrepreneurship and a can-do American spirit, we can increase our energy security and create good-paying, clean energy and construction jobs right here in southern Minnesota. To learn more about my bipartisan energy bill, please  here.

Made in America Manufacturing

Southern Minnesota’s working and we are proving that we can make things in America again. And whether it’s AGCO in Jackson, Crenlo in Rochester, or Alliant Castings in Winona, small businesses across southern Minnesota are playing a leading role in that effort.

We must enact policies that ensure our local small businesses and manufacturers continue to grow and prosper.

That is why over the past year I’ve consistently called on House leadership to pass a new farm bill and advocated for passage of a long-term transportation bill that will repair our crumbling roads and bridges, connect our local manufacturers with consumers around the country, and give our local small businesses the certainty they need to plan ahead. 

The more efficiently small businesses can move their goods to market, the more they can invest in growing their business—and that creates jobs for southern Minnesotan’s.

Fiscal Responsibility

Middle class families and small businesses across Minnesota know that the key to balancing a budget is paying for what you spend and making smart, targeted investments for the future. I believe government needs to adhere to the same principles and as we move toward economic recovery, we need to put our country back on the path to fiscal discipline as well.

I have been a strong supporter of pay-as-you-go rules in the House and I support H.R. 2920, which would strengthen those rules and put our nation back on the path to fiscal responsibility. The principle here is simple: Congress should pay for what it spends. These are the same rules that lead to a budget surplus in the 1990’s.

Contrary to popular belief, the deficit is falling and is the lowest we’ve seen in five years, down from 10 percent of our Gross Domestic Product to just 3 percent, but more must be done. I will continue to support measures that include smart spending cuts and targeted investments that will grow our economy.

Tax Cuts for Middle Class Families

After the worst economic crises since the Great Depression, our economy is beginning to turn the corner and we’ve seen 34 straight months of private sector job growth.

To continue this recovery we need to ensure that middle class Americans aren’t overly burdened by an unfair tax rate. We cannot go back to the same failed policies that got us into this mess. We must continue to advocate for policies that create jobs and prosperity for all Americans, not just the wealthiest among us.

That is why I voted to ensure income tax rates won’t go up on 98% of Americans. Doing so puts more money into the pockets of middle class families, which in turn puts more money into our local economy.   

I've also supported tuition tax credits making it easier and more affordable to attend college and tax credits for small businesses looking to expand and produce more goods. I will continue fighting for tax reform that promotes opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

Moving forward, I will continue fighting for tax reform that promotes opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

Minimum Wage

In 2007, with my support H.R.2, the Fair Minimum Wage Act, passed the Democratic-led House by a vote of 315-116. The bill raised the minimum wage over the course of two years from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour. Unfortunately, despite continuous increases in the costs of basic household necessities, the minimum wage has not been raised since. I believe the minimum wage should be a livable wage, and I will continue to fight to raise the minimum wage for hardworking, southern Minnesotans.

Paycheck Fairness

Although women have made huge strides in recent years towards equality in the workplace, many are still paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. As a strong supporter of women's equality, I believe this is unacceptable.

I have advocated for and have cosponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act in the past several sessions of Congress. I am once again a cosponsor of this incredibly important piece of legislation in the 113th Congress. There is simply no excuse for offering unequal pay based on gender.


In the past, through the annual appropriations process, many Members of Congress requested funding for specific projects in their home districts. These funding requests did not add funds to the federal budget, but set aside funds for a specific project that would otherwise be allocated to—and spent by—federal bureaucrats.

I fought to increase transparency in Congress involving requests for projects.  In that spirit I have long posted information on my website about the projects I have requested.  I requested the following projects because they would help create jobs and have a transformative impact on southern Minnesota. These projects were submitted to me by state and local officials in Minnesota, as well as community and non-profit organization.

Click here to view my FY2011 Appropriations requests.

Click here to view my FY2010 Appropriations requests.

Click here to view my FY2009 Appropriations requests.

Click here to view my FY2008 Appropriations requests.

More on Economic Issues and Fiscal Responsibility

Apr 28, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement after voting in favor of H.J.Res. 99, a continuing resolution to fund the government through May 5:

Jan 13, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement after voting against the budget resolution, Senate Con. Res. 3, before the U.S. House earlier today:

Jul 23, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC [7/23/15] – Today, Congressman Tim Walz, Co-Chair of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, introduced bipartisan legislation to protect our natural state treasures and invigorate the outdoor economy. The Sportsmen’s Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Enhancement Act reauthorizes several proven, effective conservation measures to conserve critical hunting and fishing habitat.

Jul 17, 2015 Press Release

Rochester, MN [7/17/15] – Today, Congressman Tim Walz visited local tech startup BrandHoot in Rochester and discussed ways to increase entrepreneurship opportunities and grow Rochester’s middle class economy through workforce development and STEM education.

Jun 25, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC [6/25/15] – Today, Representative Tim Walz (D-MN), released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruling in the King v. Burwell case:

“The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to provide all Americans with health care. It simply doesn’t make sense, nor was it the authors’ intent, to provide subsidies only to people in states that created their own exchanges, and I’m glad the Supreme Court agreed.

Jun 24, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC [6/24/15] – Today, Representative Tim Walz gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives calling on Speaker Boehner to bring forward a bill to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im), which is a vital tool that supports Minnesota businesses and jobs. Ex-Im works to help American businesses both large and small sell their products in the world market and create jobs right here at home by providing loans or credit that the private sector is unwilling or unable to provide.

Jun 23, 2015 Press Release

Bank promotes Minnesota jobs by providing businesses and workers with the certainty and opportunity they need to compete in the world market at no cost to taxpayers

If no action is taken the Ex-Im Bank, which has supported over $3 billion in Minnesota exports since 2007, will shutter on June 30   

May 21, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC [5/21/15] – Today, Congressman Robert E. Latta (R-OH) and Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN) announced the founding of the Congressional Propane Caucus.

The caucus has been formed in order to provide a bipartisan forum to engage Members of Congress, their staff, and the public on issues of importance to propane consumers and the propane industry. 

Apr 30, 2015 Press Release

Bank promotes Made in America Manufacturing by providing businesses and workers with the certainty and opportunity they need to compete in the global marketplace at no cost to taxpayers

If not reauthorized, Ex-Im Bank will shut down on June 30   

Apr 21, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC [4/21/15] –  Late yesterday, a broad bipartisan coalition of over 70 Members of Congress, led by Reps. Mike Conaway (R-TX) and Tim Walz (D-MN), sent a letter to Secretary Carter regarding his commitment to making the Department of Defense (DoD) fully auditable and his strategy to achieve this goal. The Department’s recent advances in better financial management and audit came with Secretary Panetta’s decision to make audit a priority.