House Committee on Natural Resources
The House Committee on Natural Resources is tasked with the preservation, restoration, and research on all matters of wildlife and natural resources on public lands. The committee plays an important role in the development of legislation on matters such as irrigation, mineral and energy resources, land preservation, wildlife fisheries, public lands and national monuments. As the lone committee with exclusive jurisdiction over Indian, Insular and Alaska Native issues in the House of Representatives, the committee is responsible for all matters regarding Native Americans and insular areas of the United States.


  • Water, Power, and Oceans
  • Federal Lands

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has authority to investigate the subjects within the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction as well as "any matter" within the jurisdiction of the other standing House Committees. The committee has legislative jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, the government procurement process, federal personnel systems, the Postal Service, the Census and other matters.


  • National Security
  • Interior, Energy and Environment

Democratic Caucus Jobs for America Task Force
The five Democratic Caucus Jobs For America Task Forces will bring together members in a collaborative setting to share ideas, engage with the American people, discuss policy initiatives, and hear from experts in order to create a jobs-focused legislative agenda that will boost American families and strengthen our economy.

Co-Chair, Rebuilding America Task Force

Congressman Jimmy Gomez is also a member of the following caucuses:

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