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Congressman Joe Courtney

Representing the 2nd District of Connecticut

Energy & Environment

More on Energy & Environment

March 8, 2018 Press Release
“The Sea Grant program is dedicated to the sustainable use of our coastal resources while advancing conservation efforts to protect our oceans and waterways. In southeastern Connecticut, Sea Grant is a vital part of our maritime economy and I am glad that we have had a thriving program serving our region for thirty years. I will continue to work alongside leaders, such as Dr. De Guise, to further the reach and effectiveness of this incredible program.”
October 10, 2017 Press Release
Rep. Courtney spoke on the House floor today to oppose the EPA's reversal of the Clean Power Plan.
October 4, 2017 Press Release
Courtney and Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT-at large) joined together to reintroduce legislation to help communities struggling with the costs of storing so-called ‘stranded nuclear waste.’
September 21, 2017 Press Release
“Long Island Sound is a unique resource for eastern Connecticut,” said Courtney. “A vast array of economic activities in our region ranging from recreational boating to commercial maritime transportation, shipbuilding, the Coast Guard Academy, and the Naval Submarine Base in Groton are all directly connected to Long Island Sound. This funding will help educate local residents and students and prepare them to keep the Sound safe and healthy for future generations.”
August 29, 2017 Press Release
“We have long agreed with the goal of the EPA throughout the DMMP process to balance environmental stewardship with standard economic activity in Long Island Sound,” wrote the members. “Our states have been responsibly dredging using open-water placement for 35 years, and we believe maintaining the EPA designation of the ELDS, along with an increased effort among the states to find sustainable on-land solutions for dredged materials, will continue to provide the Long Island Sound region with a balanced approach for future waterway projects."
August 18, 2017 Press Release
"New York's frivolous lawsuit challenging a decade’s worth of painstaking work by the EPA to reform and improve the Eastern Long Island Sound's dredging plan blatantly ignores the facts and the law,” said Courtney. “EPA officials in the last administration conducted an open and transparent process for all stakeholders in proximity to the Sound, to update the dredging process, giving regulatory preference to upland disposal, and tightly screening the composition of dredge material to preserve the Long Island Sound ecosystem. EPA also moved the disposal site for material that cannot be practically moved upland, to Connecticut waters - not New York's - and allows a regional body including New York and Connecticut stakeholders to review any open water disposal that the Army Corps of Engineers determines is practicable.
July 25, 2017 Press Release
“Plum Island is a scenic and biological treasure located right in the middle of Long Island Sound,” said Courtney. “The island is home to a rich assortment of endangered species, and should be preserved as a natural sanctuary – not sold off to the highest bidder for development. I have long supported federal legislation that will eliminate the government requirement to sell Plum Island as a means to finance a new research facility. Now that this legislation has been passed in the House, it is my hope that it will be quickly taken up and passed by the Senate. We are closer now than we have ever been to permanently protecting Plum Island.”
July 14, 2017 Press Release
“Connecticut Sea Grant is a critical federal program that has aided local fishermen, shellfish farmers, and maritime conservation efforts in Long Island Sound for fifty years,” said Courtney. “Whether it’s jumpstarting a fishery or connecting aquaculture producers to local communities, Sea Grant is a vital part of eastern Connecticut’s maritime economy. I am very glad that House Appropriations Committee recognized how important Sea Grant is for aquaculture efforts across the country and reversed the president’s misguided attempt to eliminate the program.”
