
VIDEOS: Capito Presents New River Gorge Bill to National Parks Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today discussed her bill, the New River Gorge National Park Designation Act, at a National Parks Subcommittee hearing, explaining how it would expand economic opportunities and encourage tourism in the New River Gorge area. 

“The New River Gorge serves as a great source of pride for my state of West Virginia and is a driver of our state’s tourism industry,” Senator Capito said in her opening statement. “This year, I heard from a growing chorus of constituents, local officials, and other West Virginia organizations and businesses who support redesignation, which prompted my introduction of S.3534. West Virginia’s economy is diversifying, and tourism is playing a significant role in providing jobs directly and indirectly to West Virginians, so this represents a real opportunity for that growth.”



 For a video of Senator Capito’s opening remarks, click here or on the image above.


For a video of Senator Capito’s questions for National Park Service Deputy Director P. Daniel Smith, click here or on the image above.

For more information about the legislation, click here.

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