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Official Twitter account for the House Committee on Education & the Workforce Democrats. RTs & follows are not endorsements from RM Scott nor the Committee.

Washington DC


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  1. 釘選的推文

    Every student and every taxpayer should read this editorial.

  2. 12月21日

    NEW: Ranking Member releases statement in response to rescinding 2014 school discipline guidance. The guidance gave schools the tools to address discrimination in school discipline.

  3. 12月19日

    When reinstated ACICS, a college accreditor notorious for propping up the worst for-profit schools, part of her justification was that nine other respected accreditors supported her decision. The only problem: that wasn't actually true.

  4. 12月19日

    I agree with Ranking Member that the Trump Admin’s school safety report is not a serious effort to make students safer. We have an obligation to keep students safe from and protect their civil rights. The recommendations in this report do neither.

  5. 12月18日

    ⚡️ Committee Democrats React to Federal School Safety Commission Report

  6. 12月18日

    Ranking Member says Trump administration's school safety commission report "is not a serious or good-faith effort to make schools safer for students and educators." Full statement:

  7. 12月16日

    The Trump administration’s public charge rule not only deters immigrant families from utilizing needed benefits, but threatens children’s access to healthy food. Last year, nearly 3 million households couldn't provide nutritious food for their children.

  8. 12月15日

    Today is the last day to sign up for affordable health insurance. Go to to choose a plan that works best for you and your family.

  9. 12月15日

    To read Ranking Members , , and full statement on the court ruling, click here:

  10. 12月15日

    Ranking Members , , and : "This reckless court decision endangers the lives of millions of Americans who are going to lose their health care. It is an ideological decision in a case that has no legal merit."

  11. 12月14日

    As we remember the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy, we must also remember our duty to take action. Congress must pass evidence-based solutions to ensure all students have a safe and healthy learning environment.

  12. 12月14日

    While this is a good first step toward making defrauded students whole, there are still 100,000 more students awaiting desperately needed relief. We will be watching closely to ensure the Department of Education quickly and fully implements the 2016 Borrower Defense rule.

  13. 12月14日
  14. 12月13日

    I am thrilled that Congress finally passed the Juvenile Justice Reform Act. This is the culmination of a multi-year, bipartisan effort to improve our juvenile justice system.

  15. 12月12日

    Today, the Republican Majority cancelled the only hearing it has called on the minimum wage since taking control in 2010. Our Members still wanted to hear the stories of workers who traveled here to tell Congress that it’s time to .

    和其他 2 人
  16. 12月12日

    When the Northern Mariana Islands doubled the minimum wage, GDP increased from $938 million in 2007 to $1.6 billion in 2017. The number of workers also increased by 21 percent.

  17. 12月12日

    Myth: Raising the minimum wage hurts businesses and local economies. Fact: Providing workers a living wage allows them to contribute to their communities.

  18. 12月12日

    It's official. House Republicans will not hold one hearing on the minimum wage during their eight years in the Majority. Related: One in nine American workers is living in poverty.

  19. 12月11日

    Number of hearings Republicans on the Committee have held while they've been in charge: 264. Number of hearings on raising the $7.25 federal minimum wage: 0.

  20. 12月11日

    The Trump administration did not want you to see this report. Here’s why: It reveals the Education Department is failing to protect students from Wall Street banks.

  21. 12月11日

    The Trump administration’s “public charge” proposal would use the threat of deportation to scare immigrant families away from using the public benefits they need. Yesterday, Committee Democrats spoke out against the cruelty of this proposal.



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