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    24. Dez.

    Forum Editorial: We shouldn't let Savanna's Act die

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  3. 23. Dez.

    I'm donating my salary from the government shutdown to YouthWorks in ND. It's a critical organization doing important work to combat youth homelessness and help stop human trafficking.

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  4. 23. Dez.

    It's unfortunate for families & workers that the federal gov't shut down again - the 3rd time in the past 2 yrs. As I've done before, I'll donate my salary from the shutdown. It's the right thing to do when so many are feeling the impacts of this poor move by the administration.

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  5. 21. Dez.

    For two years, I've been asking for the administration's plan for border security at the Southern Border. Crickets. No corporate board room would give a CEO money for a project without a plan.

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  6. 21. Dez.

    I have already supported $5 billion once for border security and Republicans couldn't get it across the finish line.

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  7. 21. Dez.

    Just landed back in DC to vote no on the CR. The Senate already passed a bipartisan bill to fund the government. Now the House needs to pass it and the President should sign it.

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  8. 20. Dez.

    And the - which looks very similar to the bipartisan Senate bill I helped write, negotiate, and pass - was just signed into law. This is what working and getting results up until the very end looks like.

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  9. 20. Dez.

    Some good news: Congress passed my bill to support Native American students so they can get a good education and my bill to help combat human trafficking by making sure health professionals are trained to identify trafficking and report it. Both will soon be signed into law.

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    20. Dez.

    Editorial: Why is , which already passed the Senate unanimously, stalled in the House? Rep. Goodlatte should stop blocking a bill that would improve investigation of missing, murdered Indian women.

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    20. Dez.

    GOP Rep. Bob Goodlatte has been single-handedly + mysteriously blocking a badly needed bill, , that would help abused Native women. It probably won't become law because of him. I figured out his reason for doing this. Surprise: it's lame!

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    20. Dez.

    Today might be the last day the House votes on legislation for the year. What's not included? A bill to help native women who have an appallingly high rate of murder and disappearance. Here's why ---> cc and

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    20. Dez.

    Another day has gone by with Rep. Bob Goodlatte single-handedly blocking a badly needed bill that helps abused Native women. It passed the Senate unanimously. It would easily pass the House, if it got a vote. I think I will report on this all day.

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  14. 19. Dez.

    Ask your member of Congress to tell to stop blocking & to stand up for Native women who are murdered at 10x the nat'l avg. We must stop these horrible crimes & we are so close to passing my bill in Congress. More from :

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    19. Dez.

    The number of murdered and missing indigenous women in Washington state and across the nation is terrifying and unacceptable—and would address this crisis with the urgency that it deserves.

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    19. Dez.

    On Savanna's Act - tells Congress: Get to work. 'You're getting a paycheck!' increases access to crime database info for . It's being stalled with a few days left to vote in House session. Article: by

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  17. 19. Dez.

    Former ND Senator Kent Conrad has been an invaluable political mentor, confidant, & friend—and I’m honored to have him join me on this episode of to talk about the importance of public service & the need for bipartisanship Listen here:

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  18. hat retweetet
    18. Dez.

    Good morning. A single GOP congressman is blocking a bill to help abused Native women. It sailed through the Senate + was on track to pass the House. It's on the verge of expiring if he doesn't let it go. won't say why he's doing this.

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  19. 18. Dez.

    In a new episode of my podcast , the tables were turned & former ND Senator Kent Conrad interviewed me about my time serving the people of North Dakota, my legislative accomplishments and legacy, and the future of bipartisanship. Listen here:

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  20. 18. Dez.

    On an episode of my podcast, , I spoke w/ experts & advocates about their work to help indigenous women overcome obstacles & hardships & my bill, , which aims to help. Listen & learn more here:

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