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Farewell Floor Remarks by Representative Lamar Smith

Dec 20, 2018
Press Release

Mr. Speaker, it’s not easy to summarize 32 years in Congress, but I’ll try! Politics comes from the Greek word “politēs,” meaning citizens. And they are the source of our country’s strength. 

What I remember most, what was especially meaningful, what made me feel fortunate were the colleagues I served with, the people I worked with, and the constituents we helped.

To my colleagues, thank you for your public service. You didn’t have to leave families behind or spend extra hours every week in a car or on a plane. But you did it with a genuine desire to advance America’s worthy interests.

To my staff members, past and present, in the D.C. and Texas offices and on the Committees I chaired, thank you for your dedication and for advising me on legislation and votes and for assisting thousands of constituents.

And to my constituents, thank you for trusting me to represent you all these good years. It has been a wonderful honor.


115th Congress