Preserving the Integrity of the Process
Rep. Woodall's Remarks at Constitution Day Press Conference
Spending Restraint Must Be A Component for Every Budget

Today, the House took an important step forward to reform our criminal justice system by passing the “First Step Act,” which is now on its way to the President’s desk. This bipartisan bill, which so many in Georgia helped to shape, ensures that individuals recently released from prison – who are committed to taking advantage of a second chance – have the best opportunity to succeed. Among many notable provisions, the bill revises federal sentencing laws for non-violent offend...ers and reauthorizes grants for career training and prisoner re-entry projects. It also requires the Justice Department to develop a system to assess the risks of recidivism for federal inmates and incentivize those individuals to participate in and complete re-entry programs. This kind of groundbreaking reform is the result of tremendous partnership, and I’m so proud that Georgia's leaders paved the way in this effort!

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Georgians inside and outside the government had a hand in crafting Washington’s most substantial criminal justice overhaul in a generation.

Having introduced the FairTax (H.R. 25) each Congress since coming to Washington, I couldn’t agree more! Support continues to grow for its principles, and we’re getting closer every day!

“Abolishing the corporate tax completely and permanently closes tax-related loopholes and ends the never-ending efforts to lobby for them…Putting these elements together, a small, revenue-neutral consumption tax — like a national retail sales tax —broadens the base using a lower rate and would be more reliable and less damaging than a corporate income tax.”
If many corporations are already effectively paying nothing in taxes, why bother with an official tax rate?