House Judiciary  Account verificato


Defending the Constitution since 1813. Chaired by

Washington, D.C.
Iscrizione a gennaio 2013


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  1. Tweet fissato
    24 lug

    We've SHUTDOWN nearly 90% of online sex trafficking. If it is illegal offline it SHOULD be illegal online! closes loopholes, provides restitution for victims, and holds bad actors accountable.

  2. 29 dic

    - key takeaways - conclusions - recommended next steps Full Press Release:

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  3. 29 dic

    Equality under the law is a core American value. Our laws should be administered and enforced with impartiality. This guiding principle has led our joint investigation of the DOJ & FBI's decisions in 2016 & 2017. From this investigation we are now releasing:

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  4. 20 dic

    Passed in the House: 386 - 5 The "Clean Up U.S. Criminal Code" What does it do? It helps to reduce our growing over-criminalization problem by eliminating several sections of the criminal code that are bizarre, and/or have never before been prosecuted.

  5. 20 dic

    Overdue for Criminal Justice Reform? We just passed it in the House. The First Step Act was just approved by a vote of 358-36 in the House of Representatives!

  6. 20 dic

    HAPPENING NOW: "Historically our immigration laws and policy have been written to balance national security with humanitarian generosity, and meeting the workforce needs of a fluctuating economy. Sometimes the laws and policies need to be updated"

  7. 19 dic

    House Judiciary Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing @ 10:15am tomorrow. Get the details and how to watch it live here:

  8. 18 dic

    So what was said in that second closed door hearing with James Comey? We've released the transcript which is available here:

  9. ha ritwittato
    18 dic

    Tune in to this morning at 11:00am. I’ll be discussing our interview from yesterday with Mr. Comey.

  10. ha ritwittato
    15 dic

    On December 15, 1791, the was ratified. It is my hope that the U.S. will continue to be a place where our foundational principles guide our government.

  11. 14 dic

    Our oversight hearing of is now scheduled for Dec. 20th @ 10am. It will be available live at:

  12. ha ritwittato
    11 dic

    Yesterday I signed the Conference Report for the final Farm Bill of my term in office. It has been a privilege to represent farmers and to work on a Farm Bill that meets the needs of rural America.

  13. 12 dic

    Are you concerned about the price of gasoline, the cost of prescription drugs, or how tech companies decide what you do and don't see? brings up all these issues in his opening statement at today's oversight hearing with and

  14. 12 dic

    OVERSIGHT HEARING HAPPENING NOW: Copyright, patents, music, and much more being discussed right now with the

  15. 10 dic

    Tomorrow we will be holding a hearing with CEO Tomorrow’s hearing "Transparency & Accountability: Examining Google and its Data Collection, Use, and Filtering Practices" will be available live at:

  16. 9 dic

    Comey Closed Door Interview Response Counter. ‘I don’t know’ - 156 times ‘I can’t remember’ - 72 times ‘I don’t recall’ - 8 times

  17. 8 dic
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  18. 8 dic

    BREAKING: & just released the transcript of Former Director Comey's interview Due to time constraints, the Committees were unable to ask all relevant questions of Mr. Comey during yesterday’s interview. He will therefore appear before the Committees again

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  19. 7 dic

    Today we are speaking in depth with former FBI Director Comey. The law requires all to be treated equally. No one, including Hillary Clinton should be given special treatment. This investigation ensures everyone is treated equally under the law.

  20. 7 dic

    Investigations must be conducted fairly to ensure each and every American's civil liberties are respected. This means impartiality without regard for status, political status, or any special treatment. This is why DOJ accountability is required.

  21. ha ritwittato
    6 dic

    HAPPENING SOON: Joining on to talk about Comey's testimony tomorrow in & today's anniversary of 's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Watch on .


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