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State Block Grant Program


States that participate in the State Block Grant Program (SBGP) assume responsibility for administering Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants at airports classified as "other than primary" airports — that is, nonprimary commercial service, reliever, and general aviation airports. Each State is responsible for determining which locations will receive funds for ongoing project administration.

FAA began this program in 1989 with three States: Illinois, Missouri, and North Carolina. The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 authorized up to 20 States to participate. Title 49 United States Code Section 47128 contains program requirements.


  • AC 150/5100-21, State Block Grant Program (published 11/7/2016)
    This AC provides guidance for application to and implementation of the State Block Grant Program. All states currently in the SBGP must submit an implementation plan for the requirements contained in this AC no later than January 2, 2017.

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