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Performance Snapshots

Measuring Operational Results From Nextgen

Integrating NextGen capabilities to transform the National Airspace System (NAS) is a complex effort that requires the FAA to continuously measure and report our progress. This website highlights qualitative and quantitative NextGen performance measures, focusing on locations where NextGen capabilities enhance airspace performance and emphasizing the link between investments and benefits.

NextGen Priorities

This joint FAA-aviation community effort tracks the milestones of the NextGen Priorities Joint Implementation Plan. These are capabilities that will provide significant near-term benefits to the National Airspace System.


NextGen Portfolios

The FAA uses a comprehensive, cross-agency portfolio approach to implement NextGen capabilities. Learn more about the portfolios and locations where NextGen capabilities have been implemented.


View Performance Indicators


With many NextGen initiatives already deployed, airports across the country are taking advantage of NextGen capabilities. Here is the progress at 30 Core Airports.


NextGen is improving traffic flow in metroplexes: metropolitan areas where airports in close proximity make for complex airspace. See how metroplexes work and their expected NextGen benefits.

City Pairs

For airline operators, city-pair performance is the most direct way to connect two markets. View performance metrics for city pairs in metroplexes across the United States.

Across the National Airspace System

Illustration of planes being guided by satellite.

NextGen is on track, and the benefits continue to grow from the capabilities and procedures that are enhancing passengers' experience and improving safety. See the impact of NextGen technologies across the country through fuel burn and environment metrics, and access to general aviation airports.

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