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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said legislation that would give pilots and passengers greater assurance of safe air travel passed the Senate today by a vote of 87-6.

Enzi supported an amendment offered by Senator Bob Smith, R-N.H., to the Department of Homeland Security bill that would allow commercial pilots trained in the use of firearms to carry them on their aircraft.

"The lives of a lot of people rest on a pilot's capability to handle and defend their aircraft. That's a lot of responsibility," said Enzi. "If pilots believe that carrying a firearm will increase their ability to keep passengers safe then they should be given that option," said Enzi. "This is just one more way to deter criminal actions on flights and improve our overall security in the air."

Enzi cosponsored legislation introduced by Smith in June that would require the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish a voluntary program for qualified pilots of commercial, cargo or passenger aircraft to be deputized as federal law enforcement officers. Completion of a training program would give the pilots the authority to carry firearms while in the air.

The House version of the Homeland Security Bill already includes language to allow pilots to carry firearms. The Senate continues to debate their version of the bill.