



Welcome to! I’m Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chair of the House Republican Conference — a position on the House Republican leadership team. While the name Conference may not make much sense outside of Washington, D.C., the office has a long history – all the way back to 1863 – of taking our Republican vision to and explaining our conservative policies in every corner of this country. Today, 241 Republicans make up the Conference fulfilling this same mission.



A little bit about House Republicans: We are teachers, doctors, veterans, and business owners. We are working moms, single dads, Boomers, Millennials, and more. And while we each have unique backgrounds and experiences, we’re united by a shared goal to make America a better place — a nation where we are not defined by our limits, but by our potential.

It’s an honor to serve, but I wouldn’t be here today without the trust and confidence of the people who, like me, call Eastern Washington home. I wake up every day energized and excited to advocate and lead on their behalf in Washington, D.C.

So thank you for visiting Here, you’ll find many voices united by a common purpose: to restore the American people’s rightful place at the center of our representative government.

