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Indirect Cost Rate Forms and Information

  • Indirect Cost Instructions

    The EDA has entered into a working relationship with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Interior Business Center (IBC) to issue indirect cost rates to organizations for which EDA is the cognizant agency for indirect costs. Effective August 1, 2017, the Office of Indirect Cost Services for IBC (IBC/ICS) will collect the required documents, negotiate, issue and countersign indirect rate agreements for your organization. For organizations for whom EDA is their cognizant agency, there is updated guidance on what this means, how this impacts your organization, and who you can reach out to with any questions. Read the Indirect Cost Instructions (updated 7/13/18) (PDF).

  • Certificate of Indirect Costs Template (PDF)
  • Guidance for Economic Development Districts (EDDs) on EDA’s Indirect Cost Rate Program (PPTX)
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