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U.S. Senate Leadership Portrait Collection

To honor its past leaders, the United States Senate has established the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection. While the Senate has long honored vice presidents with marble portrait busts in the Capitol, this leadership series is the Senate's first effort to develop a comprehensive portrait collection of majority and minority leaders and presidents pro tempore.

Although several former leaders were already represented by paintings in the U.S. Senate collection, a portrait of Majority Leader Howard Baker, Jr., of Tennessee by artist Herbert Abrams, was the first piece acquired for the newly established Senate Leadership Portrait Collection. To learn more about the collection, read the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection brochure printed in the 112th Congress.

Howard Baker, Jr.
Robert C. Byrd
Thomas A. Daschle
Everett McKinley Dirksen
Robert J. Dole
James Eastland
William H. Frist
John Langdon
Trent Lott
Willie P. Mangum
Mike Mansfield
Charles L. McNary
George J. Mitchell
Joseph T. Robinson
Hugh Scott
Robert A. Taft
Kenneth S. Wherry