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Congressman Joe Courtney

Representing the 2nd District of Connecticut

Economy & Jobs

More on Economy & Jobs

October 29, 2018 In The News

Groton — As director of workforce development for Electric Boat, Courtney Murphy has seen a 20 percent reduction in departures of first-year employees, just due to the Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline.

"When they come into Electric Boat and the first time they're given that job assignment, they have some confidence," she said. "They know how to do it safely."

October 15, 2018 In The News

Third-quarter data released by the Eastern Connecticut Association of Realtors last week shows that single-family home sales in New London and Windham counties are up over last year, which CEO Susy Hurlbert takes as a sign of increased buyer confidence.

"There is no real fear of a recession over the next 12 months at least, so I think there's confidence in the housing market because of that," she said.

October 7, 2018 In The News

Groton, Norwich and North Stonington are among the top cities and towns in the state for economic growth, according to the 2017 Connecticut Town Economic Indexes, which the state Department of Labor released this week.

August 29, 2018 Press Release
“Today’s unanimous decision to reject tariffs on Canadian newsprint is welcome news for newsrooms across Connecticut and around the country,” Courtney said. “Connecticut print media companies import 100% of their newsprint from Canada, and the Trump Administration’s proposed tariffs would have increased their average costs by nearly 20% -- which would have resulted in cuts to content and employees. Adding tariffs to newsprint ad hoc creates enormous financial handicaps for businesses throughout the country, and this was the right call today by the U.S. International Trade Commission.”
May 3, 2018 Press Release
This project has been a long time coming, and when it’s completed, it will greatly expand our freight capacity throughout eastern Connecticut and at the Port of New London. The federal TIGER funding I helped secure proved critical in the effort to leverage matching funds from private industry to get this project underway. These upgrades will allow the Port of New London to expand the amount of freight cargo that can be shipped in and sent out by rail across the region. This development is bound to expand industry and create new jobs across eastern Connecticut as shipping continues to grow.
February 12, 2018 Press Release
The members wrote: “You have stated that the objective of this regulation is to ‘expand employer and employee access to more affordable, high-quality coverage,’ a goal we share. However, we are concerned that the impact analysis fails to explain sufficiently how the Department expects this proposed rule to achieve the desired outcome. For that reason, we respectfully request specific additional information on how the Department has determined this proposed rule’s potential impacts on coverage quality and cost – from the perspective of employers and employees.”
December 19, 2017 In The News
“This afternoon, Congress made a historic mistake in passing a seriously lopsided tax overhaul the will almost entirely benefit wealthy Americans and corporations at the expense of middle-class and working families,” said Courtney. “This bill will exacerbate our national deficit and sets up the rationale that Republicans will use to launch their long-anticipated attacks against Social Security and Medicare, which Speaker Paul Ryan has already brazenly promised to do. It is also a sneak-attack on the Affordable Care Act that will result in 13 million Americans losing insurance, and will cause health care costs to rise for millions more through the repeal of the individual mandate."
November 16, 2017 Press Release
Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) today voted against the House tax plan. During debate on the bill last night, Courtney highlighted the impact of the measure on efforts to fill jobs through job training, higher education support and other efforts to close the national “skills gap.”
September 4, 2017 Press Release
"If President Trump decides to revoke DACA it would punish children for the actions of their parents. Not only is that fundamentally unfair, it will indiscriminately deport some of the brightest most talented students in our country. At Eastern Connecticut State University in Windham, I met a few days ago with staff who reported that there are 93 DREAMers enrolled there with many of them pursuing STEM majors and averaging 3.55 GPAs. Our nation's employers are telling Washington in the strongest terms possible, we need those kinds of students in America's workforce, not in handcuffs. As an original cosponsor of the HOPE Act which will codify DACA and thus protect these young people, I will work to stop any harmful rush to judgment by the president."
August 29, 2017 Press Release
“We have long agreed with the goal of the EPA throughout the DMMP process to balance environmental stewardship with standard economic activity in Long Island Sound,” wrote the members. “Our states have been responsibly dredging using open-water placement for 35 years, and we believe maintaining the EPA designation of the ELDS, along with an increased effort among the states to find sustainable on-land solutions for dredged materials, will continue to provide the Long Island Sound region with a balanced approach for future waterway projects."
